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Connecting the dots of youth world's most joyful leaders and beautiful dreams to action network

 mail chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk if you are concerned to be introduced into any of these conversations

topic 1 world's most trusted job creating educators and bankers

note on africa's blecher and Imunro- and women empowerment tech nailaC


dear I & N -urgent i believe that I introduce you-  started up africa's greatest youth microcredit in 1999- her love of orphans made JB"s happy families her retirement project; JB united youth gangs oit just mothers circles; it was also the first electroniic operated-transactions microcredit; it also had a simple idea- show you can earn something and we will offer loan to double that; N's grassroots work more than anyone connected village ladies training with mobile phones; she also runs her own telecentre business for abused women; she finally left dhaks 2 years ago for family reasons; she is signing womens empowerment projects across africa; in kenya she knows the networks behind the technology of mpesa and nanocredit; in south africa I have introduced her to taddy blecher who is introducing youth entrepreneur curricula to 14 million school children a year -whence 1 million jobs will be created in next 5 years- a model any major african capital could twin with if it is prepared ti change its schools; if you read quadirs mit journal innovations vol 6 issue 4 - you will see that kenya's banking regulations that I helped shaped have inspired a network of 100+ national regulators to debate the future of cashless banking which is as much a regulatory issue as an open tech issue- this is where sir fazle and the quadirs experiment with bkash.com may yet determine where bangladesh's youth futures spin


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Dear Atsu


Could I introduce you to Dr Bhuiyan. He has the overall responsibility for aiming to get 25000 youth to Atlanta in Nov 2015 as described in attached. Dr Bhuiyan has organised annual historically black university entrepreneurs summits out of Atlanta since 2000 ; and a second branch of Yunus interstate social business student entrepreneur summits since 2012


The 2013 Warsaw Nobel summit clashed with the Jim Kim World Bank summit - so while Dr Bhuiyan participated in the whole Warsaw summit, I traveled between the summits. Victoria Flamant is on the Young Professional Associate World Bank team charged by Jim Kim  to animate the  World Bank/UN youth summits and grew up in Atlanta


There are a lot of possibilities to try to connect but I understand that several of Atlanta's leading families want Atlanta to be Yunus favorite youth capital in the USA after the event and in that context Dr Bhuiyan is also launching the Yunus Creative Lab 501 foundation. He is also professor of innovation out of arguably the most famous Black College of them all Tuskegee University which was founded by the former slave Booker T Washington


Best Chris Macrae  Washington DC 301 881 1655

Norman Macrae Foundation Curriculum Entrepreneurial Revolution (The Economist 1972) 

 supporter of USA- Africa Diaspora Summit DC 17 May 2014 led by friend 

Tebabu assefa | The White House



PS Last weekend my co-worker Mostofa Zaman and I made a step forward in connecting  India's number 1 schooling system inspired by Gandhi out of Lucknow and Taddy Blecher whose partnerships (eg Branson/Mandela Elders/Google) out of South Africa re connecting 14 million youth in a total schools curriculum of entrepreneurship - presentation available in about a week after it has been confirmed by the ministry of education .

With Dr Yunus great friend the former UK Prime Minister Scot Gordon Brown now the UN envoy for education, I so hope that education can be transformed into youth job creating ally everywhere. Yunus founding female partner of Grameen Bank Mrs Nurjahan Begum will be going to Lucknow's annual summit of educators in September



----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Dr. Bhuiyan - Social Business - Innovation and Peace <ofcvc@hotmail.com>
To: "chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk" <chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk> 
Sent: Sunday, 23 March 2014, 16:37
Subject: RE: Yunus and event in Atlanta

Dear Mr. Macrae:

Attached is the description of the summit in Atlanta. We are working on getting  25,000 young leaders and students. Please share this with Akira Founder and let me know if we can connect. Thanks.

Mohammad Bhuiyan, Ph.D.

CEO, World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates 2015 Atlanta

dr bhuiyan


I would like to introduce you to anna lu- since 2007, friends and I have searched most of usa for where would I like to learn microcredit if I was a student and believe that anna's summits for students in the san diego region are best for action learning; also i think she knows most other professors etc also offer courses worthy of a students time  


while I understand that dr yunus primarily wants to focus on social business - the social business of funding students entrepreneurial experiments remains the core that students correctly want to network round


I dont know if there is an intersection between what you are trying to linkin out of atlanta and what anna's life work is about but I would hope so ;  I believe its the case that anna's 3 deepest collaboration networks are hispanic, women and vietnam though she can obviously clarify better than I; hispanic women networks are a huge focus in coming months with the next microcreditsummit in mexico in september- and opportunity to see if carlos slim has helped repair what compartamos destroyed - it also interests me that slims foundation funds translation of khan academy into spanish


its a complex-conflict-spun question (that I ask the DC and princeton heads of results and microcredisummit regularly)  why did microcreditsummit never become a network empowering open education of students around bangladesh's greatest experiments with networking 15 million mothers not only in day to day financial services but investing on their behalf on technologies greatest bottom-up opportunities


looked at from the education side the 50000 gandhi family school in lucknow is inviting educators to attend a summit in september- mrs begum is already attending- her history of dialogues with the gandhis being something mostifa can fully report; we are also trying to linkin south africa's total change of education which aims to celebrate entrepreneurship from age 9 up and create a million jobs before 2020- it will be possible to share the plan on that soon after 1 april after it is ratified with the government as well as branson and google


I am still trying to find out if there is any way to connect:

1 south africa free entreprenur curricula

the mandela nobe laureate summit

and eg atsu founder of the totota-originated foundation akira in tokyo whose work conects g20 youth summits, extreme experiments on how green can repair the tsunami region, and detailed projects with cape town students




chris macrae washington dc 301 881 1655

help edit 2013-2014 micro capital students dashboard

By the way I wanted to note the strange story of boston because MIT remains where students most go top open source technolgy for good but it has become a nightmare for linking yunus

Peter and I have attended microcreditsummits in mit where students had been inspired by yunus graduation talks but found themselves surrounded by accion (a so-called charity that took 300 million dollars from the poor in the ipo of compartamos) and omidyar- accion has hq in boston; omidyar has founded 100 million dolars of microcredit research there after first quarreling with yunus when at one of the parties organised by john doerr in san francisco (the same dorr that controls coursera and has always claimed to what to help with green energy but banked the opposite; we have also visited the poverty lab that was co-founded by an indian who is hostile to bangladesh; and then of course there remains the quarrel between the quadir family and yunus over the vision of grameenphone back in 1996 -the largest open tech alumni student research network being controlled by iqbal quadir; then vidar jorgenssen lives about 10 miles out of boston but never offers students any open projects. I only mention this because if the goal is final to start a foundation that most truly represents collaboration between youth and yunus then we do need to learn from where the future capitals map of usa is most complex and indeed get some of the big players on yunus side including turners billion dollars in un foundation helping to resolve some of these conflicts

a selected tour of asian childrens favorite city schooling system


John - have just sent mail which explains big DC region events on saturday 5th and also tries to linkin many interested people
I could carpool you if you wanted to join the main regional event on 5th
On 6th most of my day isnt planned yet but I am also preparing to fly on 7th to san diego for anna lu's big youth summit
I am not clear about tebabu's diary on 5th -its also a case that I dont know which value chains of food each of you is most focused on apart from understanding tebabu's coffee ethiopia end to end model
as you probably know value chain bottom up and food security was intended to be the signature revolution of obama but usaid employs about 1000 directly and another 3000 through 6 main subcontractors like ACDI/VOCA whose jobs depend on being middlemen to knowledge and hiring academics so I dont think they like the open source approach to ending farmer poverty across africa
I do know the founders of 2 of the main subcontractors and they might be nudged into realising that tebabu needs to be unstoppable but it will take persistent interpersonal networking focus, access and skills that I dont have - a third (CARE) has partnered atlanta's 25000 youth millennium goal actions debrief but doesnt yet know what they are in for
current track:


  1. What's new this week in South Asia? Latest from India, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh

  2. www meeting diaries- youth livelihoods selected for last 2 quarters of The Economist's 175th end poverty anniversary

Dear Md

I am a statistician who finds "open" ways to research (and map) the most life critical missing links. So your information is huge but I never tried to say that I could help make every link. Yes of course collaborative Youth Can!

Here are some ways you can inform the youth you mention though I am sure there are better ways that you can find and I did email you the youth in dhaka who has been serching this most deeply for 7 years

Talk to dr yunus secretariat - or any of the organisers of the monthly youth competitions at yunus centre and see what help they want in making sure that bangaldeshi youth are either well represented live among the 25000 youth meeting nov 2015 atlanta http://youthcreativelab.blogspot.com or virtually  

Find some of the 1000 youth that the senior nobel peace laureate judge talked to in July 2008 at a summit in dhaka- he promised never to forget linking them in. Get them to write asking him to connect all nobel peace laureates and judges around sustaining that relationship trust

One of the most exciting happenings I have come across on my 10 visits to dhaka is the formation of ILAB - as you know each capital city's ILAB aims to maximise world trade between wizard youth technolgists; I truly hope the ILAB is up there by Nov 2015 but it takes sweat and tears to get hi-trust transparent funding- thats the other thing about the meme of ilabs they are associated with minimiisng risk the larry brilliant way

I have been doing more research on the jobs wars. Basically 3 halfs of the world's population - youth, women and poorest - are having their livelihoods devalued by a few thousand old timers (mainly concerned with being the bossiest or hiding their  failure in making the biggest banking decisions). So to counter this the simplest wikidoc of all maybe a dairy of where youth summit preparation meetings are taking place - if you agree that is helpful please start making such a wiki diary from your part of the world -how else can data be used to reduce degrees of separations with worldwide youth of NETGEN  being the most productive and collaborative and sustainable of generations https://docs.google.com/document/d/1drpRzPgn5nXVTJ9dEZKb-ZDAbq1AUcE... 

Remembrance Twitter of Norman Macrae The Economist's Pro-Youth economist (one of the first in 1970s to expose macroieconomics as disgraceful political chicanery) https://twitter.com/myunuslab

Yes there are all sorts of vicious spirals that universities trap youth in - and perhaps the first one that should unite alumn of yunus is the total difference in direction between:-
the university system whose professors take students out to openly serve the community with the university whose professors go and toad up to the macroeceonomic political chicanery of big government -micro-up privatisation is totally different than macro-privatisation and those who dont make this truth available to youth are clearly pied pipering the world towards orwell's big brother end game
In April 2013 Dr Yunus said this at Skoll World Championships on the Future of Open Education
In the proceeding 12 months the Japanese Embassy in Dhaka hosted 2 brainstorming sessions between wizard youth technologists, education leaders and elders of civil society. Attached is part of a paper published round these attempts to free youth dreams-to-actions through open education
What collaborative youth need to do in next 20 months is take back their millennium's goals not just as advertising PR (UN youth forum)  but in terms of banks and investment funds. (youth puddles) What elders in power need to do has been clearly united around the triad of the pope, obama and jim kim have sought help in quickly viralising the missing curriculum of servant public leadership - this is based on declaring public servants who do not make the battle against inequality as their job number 1 are not sustainable in a transparent twittering age-  the way kenya youth corrected the filed politician/election of 2009? was wonderful. It is to be hoped that the first moc on this curriculum comes out of a region like san diego -in time to empower hispanic womens networks ( I fear mexico's 2 summits in september and november may be too soon to help youth understand this opposite way round system approach)
There is a great paper by Mary Walshok on Uni of san diego . It talks about san diego's connect program and clarifies experiences of accelerating entrepreneurship being as much about accelerating entrepreneurship as being as much about community transformation as it is about helping individual entrepreneurs. It can be valuable when diaspora models of world trade recognise that
Historians  (especially those sponsored by the famous)destroy the future of youth when they fail to model trade at least 6 levels
villages or communities (the orginal moral market freedom of adam smith)
regions of nations
clearly macroeconomics 1930-1984 made huge errors in overvaluing national governments - see eg von hayek on road to  serfdom; 
equally The Economist's valuation of opportunities of the net generation  from 1972 involved urgent openings needed to restore how to trade at 3 levels
and in that process nation states were the big danger and academics sponsored by nations states the enemy of youth
There are ways that open education platforms can free students over the next 18 months; fortunately summits designed around jim kim will get this; it would be interesting since the nobel laureate movement was founded by gorbachev and open society movements if someone urgently interviewed gorbachev and soros to see what they would like to see happen by with or for youth at cape town and atlanta 

From: "Lu, A." <atlu@ucsd.edu>
Sent: Monday, 14 April 2014, 15:04
Subject: Re: please can we develop an overall route map or charter Re: I have been to the mountain top

Dear All,
I thought you may enjoy reading this bottom up planning process of my university. See below.
It has helped UCSD sharpen our vision to be a student-centered, research-focused, service-oriented public university.
I see the correlation with what our vision attempts to accomplish:
-to be "youth-centered" with jobs, entrepreneurship, education
-"research focus" on successful initiatives, incubators to scale up
-"service-oriented", social business to narrow gaps, end poverty. Higher business purpose, common good 
To get there would require climbing so many mountains and the mountain tops seem to be so far and too high to reach! But the promised land is there.
Thank you,
On 4/14/14 11:09 AM, "Chancellor Khosla" a rel="nofollow" shape="rect" target="_blank" href="mailto:adminrec@ucsd.edu" id="yui_3_13_0_10_1397485717174_393" name="yui_3_13_0_10_1397485717174_393">adminrec@ucsd.edu> wrote:
University of California, San Diego
April 14, 2014
SUBJECT: Town Hall Meeting to Discuss Strategic Plan Results
I invite you to a Town Hall meeting on Thursday, April 24, from 3:00 to
4:30 p.m. at the Faculty Club Dining Room to hear and discuss the
results of UC San Diego’s first-ever strategic planning process.
The comprehensive strategic planning process was initiated to develop a
unifying vision and shared goals for the future of our campus. I’m
pleased that more than 10,000 campus and community members participated
in the process, sharing ideas and input that have been incorporated into
our strategic plan. You have helped to focus our mission and sharpen
our vision to be a student-centered, research-focused, service-oriented
public university.
Together, we have defined five shared goals and 13 strategies for
reaching those goals. The goals and strategies create a framework for
sustainable excellence and set a grand course for the future of UC San
In order to allow employees the opportunity to attend the Town Hall, 1.5
hours of administrative leave with pay has been approved. Supervisors,
upon request, may approve the use of administrative leave as long as the
absence does not infringe upon the performance of required job duties or
patient care.
If you have any questions about the Town Hall or need to request
alternative accessibility accommodations, please contact Special Events
and Protocol at (858) 534-6386 or sep@ucsd.edu.
Pradeep K. Khosla

From: Bernardo Javalquinto a rel="nofollow" shape="rect" target="_blank" href="mailto:bjavalquinto@gmail.com">bjavalquinto@gmail.com>
Date: Sunday, April 13, 2014 8:39 AM
To: christopher macrae a rel="nofollow" shape="rect" target="_blank" href="mailto:chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk">chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk>
Cc: "sdcsb ." a rel="nofollow" shape="rect" target="_blank" href="mailto:atlu@ucsd.edu">atlu@ucsd.edu>, King Christopher a rel="nofollow" shape="rect" target="_blank" href="mailto:king@kingconnections.net" id="yui_3_13_0_10_1397485717174_259" name="yui_3_13_0_10_1397485717174_259">king@kingconnections.net>, Naila Chowdhury a rel="nofollow" shape="rect" target="_blank" href="mailto:naila@teleconsultgroup.com">naila@teleconsultgroup.com>, Tebabu Assefa a rel="nofollow" shape="rect" target="_blank" href="mailto:tebabu@blessedcoffee.us">tebabu@blessedcoffee.us>
Subject: Re: please can we develop an overall route map or charter Re: I have been to the mountain top
I will try ..... to do my best..... excellent and intresting info

Dr. Bernardo Javalquinto, Economist;
University of Maryland, AA, BSc, MBA, PhD
Escuela de Negocios Sociales (ENS)
Social Business School (SBS)
mob. local 9-517-5438
mob  Inter +569 9 517-5438
Javalquinto Markmann & Lagos Carmona (JMLC)
www.javalquinto.com M&As - Counselor

2014-04-13 10:18 GMT-04:00 christopher macrae a rel="nofollow" shape="rect" target="_blank" href="mailto:chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk" id="yui_3_13_0_10_1397485717174_185" name="yui_3_13_0_10_1397485717174_185">chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk>:
I suggest we route map the triangle washington dc , atlanta , san diego in a way we are sure we can explain it both to our co-workers and those we most want next to help empower youth; as well as rehearse eg how that explanation can then be extended perhaps in bernardo's case to miami and perhaps through eg anna's friends in san francisco, as well as how naila's and others interests may also be converging on what mexico leadership of telecoms is up for next  thanks to flows from eg Kenya's most revolutionary women empowering entrepreneurs ( microcreditsummit deadline first week september) -as well as towards whichever international capitals you all most youth jobs connect with
the attached is a first go but it needs to be co-edited like a wiki - i have also put up a googledoc version 
which you can edit if you can wiki if you have a gmail account 
Within what I know the next huge deadline for getting much better connected is 21 june in DC -tell me if the document misses out an earlier date; as well as what parts of the document need more explanation
I want to spend a couple of days working on a document that provides a benchmark case for 50 different value chains - such as coffee of blessed coffee; hopefully these tow documents may then help inform each other. Am I right in thinking that to date everyone has had long conversations with naila apart from anna. Naila when do you next have some skype diary slots?
thanks chris

I felt like writing this after data on plutocrats was discussed at world bank yesterday - 85 richest have more wealth than half of the world's people - carlos slim richest person ever lived - scary!!


i went to a 2 day usaid meeting about 18  months ago where this was clear

community of usual operators of usaid programs 500 of whom I met at the 2 day conference  jp austen dc headquartered though founded by harvard professor, care in atlanta, about 5 others including DAO which is also bethesda based


It emerged that about 5000 peoples jobs are subcontracted by usaid to not necessarily make value chains transparent (because they might be out of a job) if i recall peter burgess told me the world bank is in an even worse position - the amount of its budget it has to reserve for pensions

is scary enough that jim kim has not a bats chance in hell  without youth



which of these organisations does anyone know a leading person in? and is there a constructive way to involve them on june 19 us africa diaspora summit in DC or jim kim's debriefing of results given he has the most practical experience of bottom-up lobbying of us all but needs youth's help more than any of us


organsisations I can make some headway in fixing a meeting with if someone has something new they need to hear include 


in dc - dao and jp austen


in atlanta, care whose head is also a greeter of atlanta nov 2015


the most fun meetings of about 50 I have attended at usaid occur when monitor comes down from boston to exchange news on value chain analysis and all of usaids subcontractors try and  nms-summarise everything that was actionable to learn from


when i went to dhaka after yunus gold congress medal to mention that the head of usaid wanted yunus help in moocing real cases of  value chains I was told 1 chris you should know I no longer do partnerships with aid; 2 months later yunus and his german partners announced a partnership with the ehad of usaid - so you can I get easily muddled on who's up for what in DC?



erworld.tv general post of bottom-u pvalue chain maps



Subject: what could womens studies and other schools do with research of yunus top 10 collaboration wishes 2007-2015


Dear Friends/Parents of Livelihoods of Teenage Girls

Here is a 3 part idea - please say if one or all of you think it could be worth meeting to discuss how to maximise future interactions of students and millennials in our home region of Maryland and Washington DC please say.

In the yunus context

part 1 of this idea is to ask him which of these top 10 ideas he wants to co-edit youth viral postcards on - free nursing college has already been edited with him out of dhaka

part 2 of mediating connections with millennials future capitalism is introduced lower down

1 Yunus job creating olympics twinning future capitals - first wave invited by Atlanta Nov 2015
2 Yunus nearly free nursing college
3 MOOCYunus ; collaboration newsletters on girl powers other top 10 missing curricula of sustainability
4 Cross-cultural celebration fashion logo of united race to poverty museums (and responsible fashion sectors and superstars)
5 Social business progress prominently reported and goodwill valued in nightly news and stock markets
6 Social business infrastructure celebrations modeled round cox's bazaar as superport for Bangladesh and neighbouring nations
7 The Yunus creative lab fund for replicating community solutions of youth and yunus through youth lads that maximise open source trades and minimise middle men
8 Green energy model for a billion off grid peoples
9 How the sustainability curriculum and analyses of social MBA is opposite in every way to MBA curriculum designed by too big to exist banks
10 The Yunus Global Village App laureates -ideal firsts co-sponsor George Soros 20 years after funding GrameenPhone


Y is for Yunus: Dr Muhammad Yunus. Millennials see him as connecting the 1000 most exciting concepts of their generation. This is fitting as Yunus has been exploring banking's end poverty and community generation purpose longer than anyone. His joy in  hi-trust reasoning matches:the exponential impact goals of history's most validated microeconomists and mediators:


  • keynes: unless economiosts make their job numer 1 emding poverty they compoiund youth's greatest systemic risks.
  • james wilson the scot who came down to london in 1842 to rid parliament of vested interest politicians and founded The Economist as a social action - mediating what 99% of people wanted bigest decision-makers of the industrial revolution to choose as purpose of each market sector they designed productive and demanding value exchanges around



In a world where over a trillion dollars is now spent in rehearsing non-sustainable advertising concepts of the world's biggest and most extractive organisations, its fitting that Y is mediating youth's most exciting futures....

Part 2 - by uk law, the addresses of all shareholders of a corporation have to be supplied on request by any citizen at cost. I aim to survey which of The Economist's owners want to join in crowdfunding the inaugural annual of world record job creators in time for The Economist's 175th anniversary in 2018. If Yunus is interested in collaboratively partnering around this, please work out where he would find it most convenient for me to meet him ideally before August 1 as I have summer commitments to my daughter during August

Part 3 is to send similar part 1 to 10 other world record job creating connectors

earlier diary exchanges between several youth capitals correpondents

I realise july may be a hard month for anna as peak admin work of the year at uni of san diego and naila as peak fasting month of the year however it is the one traveling month I am free from responsibilities to my daughter

I also gathered from taddy that he feels that due to marriage etc of matt flannery it will be 2+ months before he able to help with arrange a san francisco meet up

My questions:
would it still be useful arranging one meet of naila, anna and me in eg san diego in july

or is there a way that naila could see if laura turner might want to meet in atlanta- several subjects worth rehearsing with her are as follows:

does Laura want to connect with naila's womens empowerment movement in NY 2 days before the atlanta rehearsal and 3 days before WSIE in nnew york

does she want to take a meta-connecting role on green energy (her number 1 personal foundation's role)- not only does naila have congruent wishes from eg the sainsbury's but yunus knowhow on solar came originally from Jimmy Carter's energy champion neville williams

there are also at least 2 very delicate issues of nobel summit laura turner might want to be aware of in case she wanted to sustain dynamics of it that yunus men look unable to do

first it appears that gorbachev will not again be well enough to attend this summit- which he co-founded as was eat of europe's main freedom of youth connector; gorbachev's other main networks open society have been co-founded with george soros; for some reason the leadership of nobel summit never seems to invite soros to play a lead role- this is a pity as it not only misses the east europe energies of gorbachev and walesa ever more vital as the EU fails to represent countries/youth at its extremities; but 2 soros wants to sponsor moocs of womens and youth economics; 3 it was soros who first funded grameen phone anyway

second cape town october summit has now become a black hole in every way that it had been announced as a perfect connector between warsaw and atlanta

because south africa fears china and wont give the dalai lama a visa, mandela's main living friend: bishop tutu is withdrawing
so are the main womens cluster of laureates

it therefore makes it unlikely that cape town will do anything much to celebrate mandela's action legacy with worldwide youth; so missing connections too with atlantas opening of the rights museum and spirit of luther king family; moreover the historically black university colleges which to summer 2013 were the soul of yunus entrepreneur competitions now have 2 rival coordinators- bhuiyan and thurgood marshall who took over the network which bhuiyan had worked for at annual Atlanta summits since 2000 to stage hbu student entrepreneur conferences

It seems to me in "direct account mode ,ie the turner family unfoundation-atlanta have most of all invested in connections" that all of this information is urgent for ted turner's daughter to know about, and probably some of it she has not been informed about in ways that her family can optimise their own decision-making

Of course I apologise if I have made any reporting errors but do feel that the two of you (Naila, Anna) know more what to do with all this information than anyone else especially as after black communities, hispanic womens networks are the second network us needs to linkin to end poverty in americas (and neither of the 2 mexican yunus summits in september or november seem likely to be valuing youth, nanocredit or the original bangladeshi microfranchise knowhow)

The split with dalai lama is also particularly sad as there is a huge overlap between dalai lama and taddys main way "maharishi" of helping girls who have been abused to refind love of self - maybe laura turner does urgently need the right sort of introduction to taddy. Moreover Branson only found taddy as partner due to his accidental discovery of Sara Blakely in an apprentice reality tv show that Sara won fiorst social prize of. Sara has since gone on to be Atlanta youngest female billionnaire and one seeking how to give back to womens issues

Also having found the world banks young professional associate who grew up in atlanta it is quite sad not to have even one hi-trust link for her to help stage with the next round of the woprld bank youth summit october 6. Currently Jim KIm's main summit moderator is the female sierra leone cnn journalist Isha Sesay
-another potential missing link


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2025REPORT-ER: Entrepreneurial Revolution est 1976; Neumann Intelligence Unit at The Economist since 1951. Norman Macrae's & friends 75 year mediation of engineers of computing & autonomous machines  has reached overtime: Big Brother vs Little Sister !?

Overtime help ed weekly quizzes on Gemini of Musk & Top 10 AI brains until us election nov 2028


unaiwho.docx version 6/6/22 hunt for 100 helping guterres most with UN2.0

RSVP chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk




1 Jensen Huang 2 Demis Hassabis 3 Dei-Fei Li 4 King Charles

5 Bezos Earth (10 bn) 6 Bloomberg JohnsHopkins  cbestAI.docx 7 Banga

8 Maurice Chang 9 Mr & Mrs Jerry Yang 10 Mr & Mrs Joseph Tsai 11 Musk

12 Fazle Abed 13 Ms & Mr Steve Jobs 14 Melinda Gates 15 BJ King 16 Benioff

17 Naomi Osaka 18 Jap Emperor Family 19 Akio Morita 20 Mayor Koike

The Economist 1982 why not Silicon AI Valley Everywhere 21 Founder Sequoia 22 Mr/Mrs Anne Doerr 23 Condi Rice

23 MS & Mr Filo 24 Horvitz 25 Michael Littman NSF 26 Romano Prodi 27 Andrew Ng 29 Lila Ibrahim 28 Daphne Koller

30 Mayo Son 31 Li Ka Shing 32 Lee Kuan Yew 33 Lisa Su  34 ARM 36 Priscilla Chan

38 Agnelli Family 35 Ms Tan & Mr Joe White

37 Yann Lecun 39 Dutch Royal family 40 Romano Prodi

41 Kramer  42 Tirole  43 Rachel Glennerster 44 Tata 45 Manmohan Singh 46 Nilekani 47 James Grant 48 JimKim, 49 Guterres

50 attenborough 51 Gandhi 52 Freud 53 St Theresa 54 Montessori  55 Sunita Gandhu,56 paulo freire 57 Marshall Mcluhan58 Andrew Sreer 59 Lauren Sanchez,  60 David Zapolski

61 Harris 62 Chips Act Raimundo 63 oiv Newsom. 64 Arati Prab hakarm,65 Jennifer Doudna CrispR, 66 Oren Etsioni,67 Robert Reisch,68 Jim Srreyer  69 Sheika Moza


Since gaining my MA statistics Cambridge DAMTP 1973 (Corpus Christi College) my special sibject has been community building networks- these are the 6 most exciting collaboration opportunities my life has been privileged to map - the first two evolved as grassroots person to person networks before 1996 in tropical Asian places where village women had no access to electricity grids nor phones- then came mobile and solar entrepreneurial revolutions!! 

COLLAB platforms of livesmatter communities to mediate public and private -poorest village mothers empowering end of poverty    5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5  5.6

4 livelihood edu for all 

4.1  4.2  4.3  4.4  4.5 4.6

3 last mile health services  3.1 3,2  3.3  3.4   3.5   3.6

last mile nutrition  2.1   2.2   2.3   2.4  2.5  2,6

banking for all workers  1.1  1.2  1.3   1.4   1.5   1.6

NEWS FROM LIBRARY NORMAN MACRAE -latest publication 2021 translation into japanese biography of von neumann:

Below: neat German catalogue (about half of dad's signed works) but expensive  -interesting to see how Germans selected the parts  they like over time: eg omitted 1962 Consider Japan The Economist 

feel free to ask if free versions are available 

The coming entrepreneurial revolution : a survey Macrae, Norman - In: The economist 261 (1976), pp. 41-65 cited 105 

Macrae, Norman - In: IPA review / Institute of PublicAffairs 25 (1971) 3, pp. 67-72  
 Macrae, Norman - The Economist 257 (1975), pp. 1-44 
6 The future of international business Macrae, Norman - In: Transnational corporations and world order : readings …, (pp. 373-385). 1979 >
Future U.S. growth and leadership assessed from abroad Macrae, Norman - In: Prospects for growth : changing expectations for the future, (pp. 127-140). 1977 Check Google Scholar | 
9Entrepreneurial Revolution - next capitalism: in hi-tech left=right=center; The Economist 1976
Macrae, Norman -In: European community (1978), pp. 3-6
  Macrae, Norman - In: Kapitalismus heute, (pp. 191-204). 1974

. we scots are less than 4/1000 of the worlds and 3/4 are Diaspora - immigrants in others countries. Since 2008 I have been celebrating Bangladesh Women Empowerment solutions wth NY graduates. Now I want to host love each others events in new york starting this week with hong kong-contact me if we can celebrate anoither countries winm-wins with new yorkers



TWO Macroeconomies FROM SIXTH OF PEOPLE WHO ARE WHITE & war-prone




From 60%+ people =Asian Supercity (60TH YEAR OF ECONOMIST REPORTING - SEE CONSIDER JAPAN1962)

Far South - eg African, Latin Am, Australasia

Earth's other economies : Arctic, Antarctic, Dessert, Rainforest


In addition to how the 5 primary sdgs1-5 are gravitated we see 6 transformation factors as most critical to sustainability of 2020-2025-2030

Xfactors to 2030 Xclimate XAI Xinfra Xyouth Wwomen Xpoor chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk (scot currently  in washington DC)- in 1984 i co-authored 2025 report with dad norman.

Asia Rising Surveys

Entrepreneurial Revolution -would endgame of one 40-year generations of applying Industrial Revolution 3,4 lead to sustainability of extinction

1972's Next 40 Years ;1976's Coming Entrepreneurial Revolution; 12 week leaders debate 1982's We're All Intrapreneurial Now

The Economist had been founded   in 1843" marking one of 6 exponential timeframes "Future Histores"


we offer worldwide mapping view points from

1 2 now to 2025-30

and these viewpoints:

40 years ago -early 1980s when we first framed 2025 report;

from 1960s when 100 times more tech per decade was due to compound industrial revolutions 3,4 

1945 birth of UN

1843 when the economist was founded

1760s - adam smithian 2 views : last of pre-engineering era; first 16 years of engineering ra including america's declaration of independence- in essence this meant that to 1914 continental scaling of engineeriing would be separate new world <.old world


IF we 8 billion earthlings of the 2020s are to celebrate collaboration escapes from extinction, the knowhow of the billion asian poorest women networks will be invaluable -

in mathematically connected ways so will the stories of diaspora scots and the greatest mathematicians ever home schooled -central european jewish teens who emigrated eg Neumann , Einstein ... to USA 2nd quarter of the 20th century; it is on such diversity that entrepreneurial revolution diaries have been shaped 

EconomistPOOR.com : Dad was born in the USSR in 1923 - his dad served in British Embassies. Dad's curiosity enjoyed the opposite of a standard examined education. From 11+ Norman observed results of domination of humans by mad white men - Stalin from being in British Embassy in Moscow to 1936; Hitler in Embassy of last Adriatic port used by Jews to escape Hitler. Then dad spent his last days as a teen in allied bomber command navigating airplanes stationed at modernday Myanmar. Surviving thanks to the Americas dad was in Keynes last class where he was taught that only a handful of system designers control what futures are possible. EconomistScotland.com AbedMooc.com

To help mediate such, question every world eventwith optimistic rationalism, my father's 2000 articles at The Economist interpret all sorts of future spins. After his 15th year he was permitted one signed survey a year. In the mid 1950s he had met John Von Neumann whom he become biographer to , and was the only journalist at Messina's's birth of EU. == If you only have time for one download this one page tour of COLLABorations composed by Fazle Abed and networked by billion poorest village women offers clues to sustainability from the ground up like no white ruler has ever felt or morally audited. by London Scot James Wilson. Could Queen Victoria change empire fro slavemaking to commonwealth? Some say Victoria liked the challenge James set her, others that she gave him a poison pill assignment. Thus James arrived in Calcutta 1860 with the Queens permission to charter a bank by and for Indian people. Within 9 months he died of diarrhea. 75 years later Calcutta was where the Young Fazle Abed grew up - his family accounted for some of the biggest traders. Only to be partitioned back at age 11 to his family's home region in the far north east of what had been British Raj India but was now to be ruled by Pakistan for 25 years. Age 18 Abed made the trek to Glasgow University to study naval engineering.

new york

1943 marked centenary autobio of The Economist and my teenage dad Norman prepping to be navigator allied bomber command Burma Campaign -thanks to US dad survived, finished in last class of Keynes. before starting 5 decades at The Economist; after 15 years he was allowed to sign one survey a year starting in 1962 with the scoop that Japan (Korea S, Taiwan soon hk singapore) had found development mp0de;s for all Asian to rise. Rural Keynes could end village poverty & starvation; supercity win-win trades could celebrate Neumanns gift of 100 times more tech per decade (see macrae bio of von neumann)

Since 1960 the legacy of von neumann means ever decade multiplies 100 times more micro-technology- an unprecedented time for better or worse of all earthdwellers; 2025 timelined and mapped innovation exponentials - education, health, go green etc - (opportunities threats) to celebrating sustainability generation by 2025; dad parted from earth 2010; since then 2 journals by adam smith scholars out of Glasgow where engines began in 1760- Social Business; New Economics have invited academic worlds and young graduates to question where the human race is going - after 30 business trips to wealthier parts of Asia, through 2010s I have mainly sherpa's young journalist to Bangladesh - we are filing 50 years of cases on women empowerment at these web sites AbedMOOC.com FazleAbed.com EconomistPoor.com EconomistUN.com WorldRecordjobs.com Economistwomen.com Economistyouth.com EconomistDiary.com UNsummitfuture.com - in my view how a billion asian women linked together to end extreme poverty across continental asia is the greatest and happiest miracle anyone can take notes on - please note the rest of this column does not reflect my current maps of how or where the younger half of the world need to linkin to be the first sdg generation......its more like an old scrap book

 how do humans design futures?-in the 2020s decade of the sdgs – this question has never had more urgency. to be or not to be/ – ref to lessons of deming or keynes, or glasgow university alumni smith and 200 years of hi-trust economics mapmaking later fazle abed - we now know how-a man made system is defined by one goal uniting generations- a system multiplies connected peoples work and demands either accelerating progress to its goal or collapsing - sir fazle abed died dec 2020 - so who are his most active scholars climate adaptability where cop26 november will be a great chance to renuite with 260 years of adam smith and james watts purposes t end poverty-specifically we interpret sdg 1 as meaning next girl or boy born has fair chance at free happy an productive life as we seek to make any community a child is born into a thriving space to grow up between discover of new worlds in 1500 and 1945 systems got worse and worse on the goal eg processes like slavery emerged- and ultimately the world was designed around a handful of big empires and often only the most powerful men in those empires. 4 amazing human-tech systems were invented to start massive use by 1960 borlaug agriculture and related solutions every poorest village (2/3people still had no access to electricity) could action learn person to person- deming engineering whose goal was zero defects by helping workers humanize machines- this could even allowed thousands of small suppliers to be best at one part in machines assembled from all those parts) – although americans invented these solution asia most needed them and joyfully became world class at them- up to 2 billion people were helped to end poverty through sharing this knowhow- unlike consuming up things actionable knowhow multiplies value in use when it links through every community that needs it the other two technologies space and media and satellite telecoms, and digital analytic power looked promising- by 1965 alumni of moore promised to multiply 100 fold efficiency of these core tech each decade to 2030- that would be a trillion tmes moore than was needed to land on the moon in 1960s. you might think this tech could improve race to end poverty- and initially it did but by 1990 it was designed around the long term goal of making 10 men richer than 40% poorest- these men also got involved in complex vested interests so that the vast majority of politicians in brussels and dc backed the big get bigger - often they used fake media to hide what they were doing to climate and other stuff that a world trebling in population size d\ - we the 3 generations children parents grandparents have until 2030 to design new system orbits gravitated around goal 1 and navigating the un's other 17 goals do you want to help/ 8 cities we spend most time helping students exchange sustainability solutions 2018-2019 BR0 Beijing Hangzhou: 

Girls world maps begin at B01 good news reporting with fazleabed.com  valuetrue.com and womenuni.com


online library of norman macrae--


MA1 AliBaba TaoBao

Ma 2 Ali Financial

Ma10.1 DT and ODPS

health catalogue; energy catalogue

Keynes: 2025now - jobs Creating Gen


how poorest women in world build

A01 BRAC health system,

A02 BRAC education system,

A03 BRAC banking system

K01 Twin Health System - Haiti& Boston

Past events EconomistDiary.com

include 15th annual spring collaboration cafe new york - 2022 was withsister city hong kong designers of metaverse for beeings.app

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