265SmithWatt 75Neumann 55.YunusAbed , AI20s.com JHDHFL 20
KingCharlesLLM DeepLearning009 NormanMacrae.net EconomistDiary.com Abedmooc.com
update 2020 - lets leap forward from covid, livesmatter, and green crises at united nations cop26 glasgow nov 2021- worldrecordjobs journalists, students and educators aims to publish its first game just-in-time - see neumann.ning.com, and adamsmith.app
how to vote for wrj creators - go to search of WRJ-input your jobs heroine/hero - if search is empty pls tell us about your addition - chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk - co-author 2025report.com
2019 fazle abed forever in the minds of girls and educators
innovation miracle- how half billion asian women ended dollar a day...although maps of goal 1 ending poverty face many detailed challenges - if we could design a world in which every next girl/boy born has a g… Started by youLatest Reply |
the archives of fazle abed - collected by friends - have we missed ...Beyond%20power%20games.docx over last 40 years 1 billion Asians ended extreme poverty WHICH OF FAZLE ABED'S TOP 5 PARTNERS women empowering… Started by youLatest Reply |
STARSteacher who's who valuing future of 2020s sdsg youth most |
have you heard about wholly new youth world banking? poverty tedx and
After 25 years as one of the west's3 great living servant public and global health, JIm Kim's inaugural year at world bank saw the creation of curriculum #2030now demanding young professionals transform any systemic non-sustainable monopolies embedded in
old professions of global 1.0; by year end pope francis and jim kim were announcing the count on me partnership
HAPPY 2015 Jim Kim 2030nowjimkim2transcripts.doc,
http://www.tedxwbg.com/ Sources for millennials Happy 2015 dialogues of pih on 1 Ebola 2 how to leverage technology to radically engage patients on health care; UN is 2015 year of all change to sustainability goals
33rd year of tracking 1984's 2025 report- we've seen some bad slips- subprime decade was a waste; refugee decade of 2000s sad..
sad 2016-20 has america foresaken its own children as well as the world's?
- while 2015 saw relaunch of 17 sustainability goals not one US university changed its leadership curricula in line with pope francis tour of usa let alone used moocs to offer nearly free training of world class Youth Sustainability; worse was to come with trump putting every sustainability connector in the wilderness- 4 years lost of the 15 to unite human race to sustainability -its almost incomprehensible that one man could lead 7.5 billion astray in this 21st century- and lets hope the virus is the low point for humans that we all lead forward to in 2021
back in 2012 we were drawing network maps like this celebrating how health networks were coming to the world bank with jim kim
Trillion Dollar Audit Now: Global Social Value Health
--- world bank tedx; lancet 2013 paper on global health's social valuation; 2003 Farmer biography Mountains beyond mountains; the seminal 2013 book Reimagining Global Health-an introduction by Farmer, Kim and about 12 other Partner in Health operational leaders in countries or critical disease communities PIH now operates out of;. 60 minute audio debriefing on West Africa Ebola by Kim and Framer 9 December 2014 soon to be published by www.pih.org 2013 dialogue between Kim and Pope Francis,
#2030now... Kim et all paper of transforming value chain of global health,Lancet 2013
Map World Record Job Creators ... jim kim linkin top 40 better for the world social actions-networks; stars of who tedx who with jim kim
Jim Kim![]() Africanidol.tv - Did Young africans launch most entrepreneurial summit ever? Why not launch a Young Continent Society for every continent on October 7 gamechanging maps of value chains fit for millenials |
... Unacknowledged ECONOMICS BREAKING NEWS - World Bank 7 Oct- Jim Kim demands worldwide youth spread public service cultures of 1 Accountability, 2 Transparency 3 Collaboration. Demands African youth hold himself and elder generation urgently accountable for local impacts of global health systems. Cites his friend Sir Fazle Abed's village healthcare networking paradigm as critical in uniting all who value millennials' goals to celebrate #2030now #wbgyouthsummit 9 October Apple's Beats Ambassador Dbanj joins Jim Kim in the inaugural end poverty tedx (which is also a research space for world bank partners in transforming open education of #2030now and millennials as the heart of post 2015 goals. World Bank's opening week of year 2014-2015 rounds off with valuing China's jack Ma with relay passed to UN - Jim Kim internet laureate of the decade's bridge from pre 2015 mindsets to post 2015
.... |
wb live update Youth Summit 2014_Concept Note (External).pdf, 327 KB rsvp chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk if you find next update on world bank youth summit - date 7 october- this update 9 july 2014
Open Learning Campus launched by world bank aug 2014- missing curricula rehearsals 1 RISK summer 2014; climate spring2014
Urgent question from Bottom Billion: Can you help identify the greatest Bottom-Up and youth professionals networks ever mobilised -stories of "small beautiful, open planetwide scale absolutely essential"
old jottings follow - we suggest moving forward unless you want to trace snakes and ladders of our diary
SEARCH: Top 10 Jobs Co-Creators With NETGEN
10 Yunus -BEST NEWSCASTER EVER just in last 6 years diaries 1000 life changing concepts yunus has connected since jan 2008 which youth might otherwise never have been aware of- his valuetrue role plays the opposite to the ad agencies that spend half a trillion dollars a year rehearsing concepts that are marginal improvements at best and are failed bankers value chains, job-losers and dirty 20th century's at worst- how about you? BU inventions - Financial adviser, builder, energy-adviser, mobile telecoms for every 60 poorest mothers
9Sir Fazle Abed - BEST VILLAGE ENGINEER EVER -nobody in The Economist's (first 43 years of searching) both's engineers and audits the 3E's of microfranchsing with such relentless love (empowring self-confidence of all involved) as sir fazle abed and the world's largest and most collaborative grassroots networks BRAC. BU Inventions include - para-health, legal adviser, literacy and jobs educator for every village ... |
.... whats fun is anyone can nominate their own top 10 job creators
but to improve that list dont choose 10 who open the same doors
eg maybe yunus can talk about "celebrate" the 1000 concepts that most excite youth
but he's not jim kim a healthcare servant sitting on top of the most resourced organisations who could help adopt some of these ideas - see eg jim kim's next summit october 7 an please note this is a rehearsal for spring 2015 the final deadline kim and ba ki-moon have set for reviewing worldwide millennial entries http://live.worldbank.org/millennials-endpoverty-2030
nor is yunus - sir fazle abed who started building a real university 15 years ago to ensure sucession/ sustainability of the world's largest and most collaborative bottom-up ngo
nor are any of the three of these leading open education platforms though world bank as course partner could feature all the missing curricula milennials most want to job create and redesign vlue chains around as #2030now
nor directly in the middle of the most youth open tech wizards -the way maybe the director of mit media lab is able to connect usa and asia and africa
so if you like to improve the game rules - find a top 10 or top 5 descriptions of what could be win-wins- you dont have to name the personal gatekeeper straight away
then share your nominations in some sort of friendly wiki space-or even this email - note one persons view isnt correct or wrong it depends what your localities most urgent production needs sustaining youth are which is clearly different where each os us sits and which millennials vote for open source replicating /apping jobs
chris dc 301 881 1655 chrismacraedc
linking missing jobs- curricula of open edu I would like my daughter to be free to access
........ |
Top 3 Recently passed
Mandela links to Popes, alumni of Gandhi, whole truth of every communty ubuntu and cross-cultural celebration; potential link across all Us Africa movements including Luther king and Value chain models across twin sister cities
Borlaug - one of the most influential crop science for bottom up agriculture value chain mapping -connections to Nippon Institute and eg BRAC Bangladesh; inspiration for making value chain central debate at usaid under obama and (indirectly) to acceleration of this method's diffusion by Jim Kim
Ray Anderson - The planet's most valuable ceo?
10 Richest Roles to Play in Freedom?
Pope (as steward of greatest religious riches)
Soros -first bilanthoropis of south africa, of eastern hemispher mobile vilages, of open society europe, of ineteconomics, of ending currency and banking hightmares
Gates- Exploring Harvard alumni's biggest Ignorances
Ibrahim - ending digital inequalities Africa
Slim- Ending digital inequalities in spanish mother tongues
Sainsbury Family Foundation fanning European royals valuation of green energy- recalibrating James Wilson's 175th and goodwill economics greatest birthday present
Open Access Week 2013 Kick ...Open Access Week 2013 Kick Off Event at the World Bank ...
Toward Universal Health ...Hope this Universal Health Coverage by 2030 A.D ...
Global Voices on PovertyGlobal Voices on Poverty – Interactive Live Blog ...
The Global Burden of DiseaseThe Global Burden of Disease - Webcast. Facebook logo ...
The World Bank Group Youth ...The World Bank Group Youth Summit 2013. Facebook logo ...
Making Growth HappenMaking Growth Happen: Implementing Policies for ...
Relationships of Top 50 to Top 10 Living
Branson youth's most valued CEO...Blecher, Mandela..
Because of phony metrics relatively few other ceos of the west's biggest companies yet care about creating jobs- this needs to the biggest change in promotional media ever -however
Danone's CEO Riboud
Arguably Whole Foods CEO Mackey Particularly because of wholeplanetfoundation wholekidsfoundation wholecities foundation is worth benchmarking
Google.org is vaut le voyage
Gorbachev- without whom East Europe wouldnt have been the contients most vital space, Yunus would not have enjoyed the space to connect youth and nobel peace laureates, Soros would have been missing key support of open society
Neville Williams without whom solar would be even further behind - and grameen's energy model for billion poor might never have been demonstrated
Sarah Butler-Sloss (sainsbury family, Ashden) without whom micro energy's critical timeline for wholeplanet would be even further behind, and eg bbc nature journalists would not have had the confidence to break the news of the climate crisis
Michaal Palin - without whom the cross-cultural joy of world service would have died at the BBC
Queen Elizabeth without whom the worldwide goodwill of the national health service wouldnt have taken the starring role at the opening of the olympics
Craig Barrett Family is worth watching
Gates Foundation is best for some of the things it partners behind teh secnces - eg in Tanzania it is BRAC's main partner and it also facilitated how the 4 main mobile companies could gain from a colaborative launch of cashless money's mpesa while continuing to compete around everything else
Julian's nanocredit is the next leapforward
The ITU's is worth watching
The quadir and hughes team are furthest ahead in doing the tech work of cashless banking (potentially a way of banking a billion as yet unbanked)
Mo Ibrahim without whom the revaluation of leadership across africa wouldnt have had the funds or fame to be taken seriously, and poverty alleviation wouldnt have become a cause that so many mobile billionaires raced to partner
Carlos Slim without whom spanish speaking South America wouldnt have become central to end rotten microcredit and there might be no spanish translation services for khan academy
Pope Francis without whom public servants for ending inequality wouldnt have become one of the most urgent missing professional curricula
Lech Walesa without whom Eastern Europe would have been less free, human solidarite movements wouldnt link in through some of the most war-torn places on the planet, and the value of someone like the Pope in getting a nation's elders to transform whatever the sacrifice would not have been demonstrated
Founder of Infosys - perhaps the ,most practical visionary Nilekani a creator of the oursourcing/telecentre revolution
President of Taj Group- one of the best companies in the world for employees
Ex president kalam still rallies youth to tear up non-sustainable courses
The veritable Lucknow family keep Gandhi and Montessori values of education alive like no other institure
Maharishi - see taddy Blecher
Views: 2364
billanthropy added 3 videos to Favorites
a tour from www.sustainability2015.com
this sounds very exciting -thanks ann and bernardo
I have added people because the collaboration/open dynamics you are talking about of direct relations between netizens who want to share what works are fundamental to many of us
Curriculum of job-creating Entrepreneurs and Educators have known since 1984 that Open Online Collaboration can lead to 10 times more growth and sustainability for the net generation but only if we design systems that are opposite to closed, offline, falsely competitive and separated (eg externalising, compounding risk at boundaries onto whomever is already weakest)
There is no point asking young people to dedicate themselves to the hard work of innovation solutions of OOC if we cant then Massively linkin the good news (utter failure of public broadcaster like bbc to understand this purpose is extremely bad news - absurdly it wil probbaly take scottish devolution begore a scottosh broadcasting corporation featuring nightly good news to end poverty editorially consistent with adam smith and james wilson is freed) Pray that the head of future of the scottish university systems gets this in time and invites all nordica regions to join in -great if new zealand can also cluster some similarly pro-youth nations
Tebabu's sister city project connects ethiopia and washington dc and maryland in ways that empower direct citizen exchanges - the subject of a us-africa diaspora summit 2 weeks ago which
naila from women4empowerment and anna who does lots of exchanges out of san diego attended
the fastest way to end poverty is to redesign value chains to take out middle men; the problem for the net generation is that government bodies are often the worst of all middlemen especially in education; I can say that coming from Europe where clearly brussels is more concerned with perpetuating itself than losing whole generations especially at border countries to the core region its bureaucracy empires over
gordon from new zealand has been core to student led revolution of web learning for over 30 years http://thelearningweb.net and outside of nz, china is where parents most want his revolutions to linkin
alizee is an amazing chinese student trying to change education
clara's networks out of chile show how anyone with a passion (in her professional case photography and her passion can change the value chain of plastic) can linking action learning networks of critical impact to human sustainability
sunita's family has been epicentral to continuing montessoris/gandhi revolution of education out of lucknow india for 60 years- recent good news http://globaldream.guru is that of 100 times more effective process for resolving adult illiteracy - something mostofa out of dhaka is ensuring banladehs's greatest educators for the poor review
Research for the world record book of job creators shows that by the end of 2030, the extent to which your place's youth have direct trading relationships with chinese networks of youth is probably the most valuable entrepreneurial and sustainable challenge of them all- and in areas like changing te energy value chain - the sustainability of billions of beings will likely depend on it
how do we continue this sort of discussion into actions (at least among those whom it concerns enough to help youth network it through ihubs and other such direct open source exchanges when the tools are global but the value needs to be grounded in local community exchanges starting with the most vulnerable which is what the nanocredit exchanges that naila maps do)
best chris macrae dc 301 881 165 skype chrismacraedc
From: Bernardo Javalquinto
To: Ann Poulsen ; christopher macrae
Sent: Tuesday, 1 July 2014, 22:29
Subject: RE: what chances do we have of exporting USChina Diaspora model to san diego from DC's US Africa Diaspora summit
Dear Ann,
I think this will help. A lot
Chris another angle.........
Enviado desde mi Windows Phone
De: Ann Poulsen
Enviado: 01-07-2014 22:19
Para: Bernardo Javalquinto
Asunto: Re: what chances do we have of exporting USChina Diaspora model to san diego from DC's US Africa Diaspora summit
Dear Bernardo,
I do not completely follow all of the thread of macrae's conversation….however, I get the gist.
Some more information about NZ:
- we have a free trade agreement with China, which is China's way of recognising the support it has received from this small nation in the middle of nowhere, going back at least 100 years
- Auckland has sister city relationships with Guangzhou and Ningbo
- many Chinese students come to Auckland for secondary and tertiary education
- former Waitakere mayor Bob Harvey is a citizen of Ningbo and well-loved in China as he was once President of the NZ Communist Party
- in his role as Chair of Waterfront Auckland, Bob is raising billions of dollars in China to finance the re-development of Auckland
Any new educational institution which established itself in Auckland on the basis that it would hope to attract some enrolments from China would be very well supported by council… council may even want to partner the venture.
NZ relations with Bangladesh have been very favourable since 1971 as we were one of the first countries to officially recognise Bangladesh. We have a bilateral trade agreement with Bangladesh and students come to study here. Earlier this year a former PM of NZ visited Bangladesh as special envoy to the current Prime Minister, but I don't know why. The game of cricket is a great bond between us.
In other words, Auckland may be well-placed to help form a bridge between China and Bangladesh.
In terms of environmental sustainability, we are recognised as world leaders in this..the Japanese city of Kakogawa modelled its massive harbour clean-up and environmental restoration project on what they learnt during study trips to Waitakere. I have long complained to council that it is not doing enough to help the citizens commercialise the IP they have created around environmentalism, and without creating such an income stream, it is difficult for the work to continue.
Hope these thoughts are of interest.
On 2/07/2014, at 12:56 AM, Bernardo Javalquinto wrote:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: christopher macrae
Date: 2014-07-01 8:50 GMT-04:00
Subject: what chances do we have of exporting USChina Diaspora model to san diego from DC's US Africa Diaspora summit
To: "atlu@ucsd.edu" , "L. Lu" , Naila Chowdhury , Tebabu Assefa , King Christopher , Alizee , sam daley-harris , "larry@microcreditsummit.org" , Scott Lilly
Cc: Taddy Blecher , "jeanclaude@puddle.com" , Bernardo Javalquinto , Steve Foerster , Mostofa Zaman
anna you tell me over 30% of uni of san diego are asians
we can of course adapt tebabu's model to have correspondents of millennials across whole eastern hemisphere but please lets make sure the chinese feel epicentral to this because win-win trade with china remains number 1 way to get millennials networking their goals for a sustainable planet -eg if china gets green energy right in time climate can be saved before half if bangladesh is the wrong sort of puddle
right now the superstar of the future of chinese education is also the number 1 retired star of the NBA - hence a triad of exchanges between africa americans and chinese - the former commisioner of the NBA and director of thurgood marshall is also the agent Yao Ming trusts most
ultimately nobody's a real friend of yunus who doesnt build win-win trades between bangladeshis and chinese only china is big enough to ensure bangladesh doesnt become the next Egypt -reread 2008 yunus book- cox's bazar
If we have both East Coast and West Coast hosting inter-hemisphere summits before Atlanta nov 2015
then we can get back to Free EDU's pro-youth futures
chris macrae
Entry from life in day of Yao Ming -China Nov 2013
This is so fantastic. Former Houston Rockets center Yao Ming is three years removed from his last game as an NBA player, and four and a half years removed from his last All-Star game as a dominant force in the pivot, but that hasn’t stopped him from attempting to turn himself into an anonymous scholar of sorts. As detailed by the New York Times on Thursday, Yao is beginning his third year at Jiao Tong University in Shanghai, China – an institution he chose in 2011 because he “wanted to feel the atmosphere on campus.”
Presumably the Frisbee Golf competitions at the quad, we’re guessing.
Here’s a snippet of Yao’s day to day life, from the Times:
On class days, Yao Ming, the 7-foot-6 retired N.B.A. center, wakes up at the crack of dawn to beat the Shanghai traffic. Carrying a lunch prepared by his wife, Ye Li, a 6-foot-3 former player in China’s professional league, Mr. Yao drives more than an hour to Jiao Tong University, where he sits through his required courses in the economics and management department. According to one Chinese news report, Mr. Yao would prefer to live in the dorms with his 20-year-old classmates, a move that would save time and energy, “but the beds are too small.”
“When I signed my first professional contract with the Shanghai Sharks at age 17, I promised my parents that, after my basketball career ended, I would pursue my studies at the university level,” Mr. Yao told reporters in Shanghai.
As reported two years ago by People’s Daily Online, Yao will be receiving a heap of private instruction in mathematics, English, journalism (!) and finance courses because he is still swarmed on the campus by adoring fans. He also had to give an initial press conference upon his first year at the university, one that was attended by over 100 media members.
The Times also relayed another interesting quirk to Yao’s life as a student. Most famous former athletes are expected to take on a figurehead role with the government upon retirement, acting as an ambassador for the country in myriad ways in order to take advantage of their celebrity. Because Yao had to leave home at such an early age to train with the members of the Chinese national team, though, he felt pressure to live up to the educational promise he made to his parents. Yao has taken on several charitable causes in his time away from the game, most notably in opposition to the cruel act of cribbing shark fins for food, but his commitment to chasing his degree seems real.
Which is tough, because as Yao mentioned two years ago, he’s a bit “rusty” when it comes to picking up on what most students have to work through in their late teens. Yao is clearly a very intelligent man, but going back to college in your early-to-mid 30s is no joke.
Especially when you’re being mobbed by fellow classmates on your way from class to class. The packed lunch from the missus helps, though, we presume.
valuetrue death of distance
Knowledge from first 45 years of exploring Deayh of Distance (with thanks to initial inspiration from The Economist)
the first net gen's communications revolution was biggest our race would ever see- bigger than printing press that slowly communicated with words, bigger than industrial revolution steam engines whose trains empowered land-lubbed people to travel more than 15 miles per lifetime; moreover death of distance is virtually free since satellite communication costs are not dependent much at all on distance; moreover its value maximisation would open source livfe saving microfranchises;
BUT each new media poses a problem - as it changes the commons will politicians let all the public play with its smartest uses at te same time or live tv ads will it be used by the biggest to dumb down, or worse as hitler the first powerful person to have audio tape recording will it be used to brainwash -collapsing trust and love between peoples and communities
the curriculum of mobile telecommunications needed to be empowered by those representing world's poorest women most truly - can you better eg those linking in at http://vimeo.com/86955821 co-chaired by the first female director of grameen phone who has 17 yeras of observing most extreme value multipliers poorest vilage women networkers (and their next gen) can sustain
thank you to www.yazmi.comand Africa's world record job creators
(Video) SAMARA YOUTH ENTREPRENEURIAL REVOLUTION In the early 1990s an Ethiopian launched the African continent's first satellite- he ensured one common frequency for life critical information ... and the continent started to lead the netgen world in youthworldbanking and job-creating microeducation. |
African Sampler of highlights from world record book of job creators African net generation's top 3 educational revolutionaries- rsvp chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk to nominate changes to youth's MVPs Blecher Ethiopian American: Samara -video 1; latest social buisness ??? Gamechangers of mobile and satellite Jullan nanocredit Toure family ITU. Women4Empowerment and Mali Ibrahim - helping next billion africans value public servants - and inspiration for good news by and for africans Cases of missing curricula found @ primary financial literacy - aflatoun orphns find best finacial lit curriculum adult readiing literacy within a month -researched at India's main school of Gandhi/Montessori and world's largest school -also respomsible for peace curicula Gnadhi and mandela would have hoped all teachers of children valued most transcendental mediation - best cross-cultural joy and self-confidence curriculum? coding curriculum foz eco-literacy
Mis |
MKedical gamechangers summary map after ychronic inputs new york
parts of farmer/kim value chnain hiv virals : james love, anthony so
milennaisl yp medic netwoprks
harvard originated
soh alumni
farmer alumni
uni of tokyo alumni
Jim Kim 2030nowjimkim2transcripts.doc, 40 KB
Africanidol.tv - Did Young africans launch most entrepreneurial summit ever? Why not launch a Young Continent Society for every continent on October 7
2025REPORT-ER: Entrepreneurial Revolution est 1976; Neumann Intelligence Unit at The Economist since 1951. Norman Macrae's & friends 75 year mediation of engineers of computing & autonomous machines has reached overtime: Big Brother vs Little Sister !?
Overtime help ed weekly quizzes on Gemini of Musk & Top 10 AI brains until us election nov 2028
unaiwho.docx version 6/6/22 hunt for 100 helping guterres most with UN2.0
RSVP chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk
1 Jensen Huang 2 Demis Hassabis 3 Dei-Fei Li 4 King Charles
5 Bezos Earth (10 bn) 6 Bloomberg JohnsHopkins cbestAI.docx 7 Banga
8 Maurice Chang 9 Mr & Mrs Jerry Yang 10 Mr & Mrs Joseph Tsai 11 Musk
12 Fazle Abed 13 Ms & Mr Steve Jobs 14 Melinda Gates 15 BJ King 16 Benioff
17 Naomi Osaka 18 Jap Emperor Family 19 Akio Morita 20 Mayor Koike
The Economist 1982 why not Silicon AI Valley Everywhere 21 Founder Sequoia 22 Mr/Mrs Anne Doerr 23 Condi Rice
23 MS & Mr Filo 24 Horvitz 25 Michael Littman NSF 26 Romano Prodi 27 Andrew Ng 29 Lila Ibrahim 28 Daphne Koller
30 Mayo Son 31 Li Ka Shing 32 Lee Kuan Yew 33 Lisa Su 34 ARM 36 Priscilla Chan
38 Agnelli Family 35 Ms Tan & Mr Joe White
37 Yann Lecun 39 Dutch Royal family 40 Romano Prodi
41 Kramer 42 Tirole 43 Rachel Glennerster 44 Tata 45 Manmohan Singh 46 Nilekani 47 James Grant 48 JimKim, 49 Guterres
50 attenborough 51 Gandhi 52 Freud 53 St Theresa 54 Montessori 55 Sunita Gandhu,56 paulo freire 57 Marshall Mcluhan58 Andrew Sreer 59 Lauren Sanchez, 60 David Zapolski
61 Harris 62 Chips Act Raimundo 63 oiv Newsom. 64 Arati Prab hakarm,65 Jennifer Doudna CrispR, 66 Oren Etsioni,67 Robert Reisch,68 Jim Srreyer 69 Sheika Moza
Since gaining my MA statistics Cambridge DAMTP 1973 (Corpus Christi College) my special sibject has been community building networks- these are the 6 most exciting collaboration opportunities my life has been privileged to map - the first two evolved as grassroots person to person networks before 1996 in tropical Asian places where village women had no access to electricity grids nor phones- then came mobile and solar entrepreneurial revolutions!!
COLLAB platforms of livesmatter communities to mediate public and private -poorest village mothers empowering end of poverty 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6
4 livelihood edu for all
3 last mile health services 3.1 3,2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6
last mile nutrition 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2,6
banking for all workers 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6
NEWS FROM LIBRARY NORMAN MACRAE -latest publication 2021 translation into japanese biography of von neumann:
Below: neat German catalogue (about half of dad's signed works) but expensive -interesting to see how Germans selected the parts they like over time: eg omitted 1962 Consider Japan The Economist
feel free to ask if free versions are available
0 The coming entrepreneurial revolution : a survey Macrae, Norman - In: The economist 261 (1976), pp. 41-65 cited 105
. we scots are less than 4/1000 of the worlds and 3/4 are Diaspora - immigrants in others countries. Since 2008 I have been celebrating Bangladesh Women Empowerment solutions wth NY graduates. Now I want to host love each others events in new york starting this week with hong kong-contact me if we can celebrate anoither countries winm-wins with new yorkers
TWO Macroeconomies FROM SIXTH OF PEOPLE WHO ARE WHITE & war-prone
From 60%+ people =Asian Supercity (60TH YEAR OF ECONOMIST REPORTING - SEE CONSIDER JAPAN1962)
Far South - eg African, Latin Am, Australasia
Earth's other economies : Arctic, Antarctic, Dessert, Rainforest
In addition to how the 5 primary sdgs1-5 are gravitated we see 6 transformation factors as most critical to sustainability of 2020-2025-2030
Xfactors to 2030 Xclimate XAI Xinfra Xyouth Wwomen Xpoor chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk (scot currently in washington DC)- in 1984 i co-authored 2025 report with dad norman.
Asia Rising Surveys
Entrepreneurial Revolution -would endgame of one 40-year generations of applying Industrial Revolution 3,4 lead to sustainability of extinction 1972's Next 40 Years ;1976's Coming Entrepreneurial Revolution; 12 week leaders debate 1982's We're All Intrapreneurial Now
The Economist had been founded in 1843" marking one of 6 exponential timeframes "Future Histores"
we offer worldwide mapping view points from
and these viewpoints:
40 years ago -early 1980s when we first framed 2025 report;
from 1960s when 100 times more tech per decade was due to compound industrial revolutions 3,4
1945 birth of UN
1843 when the economist was founded
1760s - adam smithian 2 views : last of pre-engineering era; first 16 years of engineering ra including america's declaration of independence- in essence this meant that to 1914 continental scaling of engineeriing would be separate new world <.old world
IF we 8 billion earthlings of the 2020s are to celebrate collaboration escapes from extinction, the knowhow of the billion asian poorest women networks will be invaluable -
in mathematically connected ways so will the stories of diaspora scots and the greatest mathematicians ever home schooled -central european jewish teens who emigrated eg Neumann , Einstein ... to USA 2nd quarter of the 20th century; it is on such diversity that entrepreneurial revolution diaries have been shaped
EconomistPOOR.com : Dad was born in the USSR in 1923 - his dad served in British Embassies. Dad's curiosity enjoyed the opposite of a standard examined education. From 11+ Norman observed results of domination of humans by mad white men - Stalin from being in British Embassy in Moscow to 1936; Hitler in Embassy of last Adriatic port used by Jews to escape Hitler. Then dad spent his last days as a teen in allied bomber command navigating airplanes stationed at modernday Myanmar. Surviving thanks to the Americas dad was in Keynes last class where he was taught that only a handful of system designers control what futures are possible. EconomistScotland.com AbedMooc.com
To help mediate such, question every world eventwith optimistic rationalism, my father's 2000 articles at The Economist interpret all sorts of future spins. After his 15th year he was permitted one signed survey a year. In the mid 1950s he had met John Von Neumann whom he become biographer to , and was the only journalist at Messina's's birth of EU. == If you only have time for one download this one page tour of COLLABorations composed by Fazle Abed and networked by billion poorest village women offers clues to sustainability from the ground up like no white ruler has ever felt or morally audited. by London Scot James Wilson. Could Queen Victoria change empire fro slavemaking to commonwealth? Some say Victoria liked the challenge James set her, others that she gave him a poison pill assignment. Thus James arrived in Calcutta 1860 with the Queens permission to charter a bank by and for Indian people. Within 9 months he died of diarrhea. 75 years later Calcutta was where the Young Fazle Abed grew up - his family accounted for some of the biggest traders. Only to be partitioned back at age 11 to his family's home region in the far north east of what had been British Raj India but was now to be ruled by Pakistan for 25 years. Age 18 Abed made the trek to Glasgow University to study naval engineering.
1943 marked centenary autobio of The Economist and my teenage dad Norman prepping to be navigator allied bomber command Burma Campaign -thanks to US dad survived, finished in last class of Keynes. before starting 5 decades at The Economist; after 15 years he was allowed to sign one survey a year starting in 1962 with the scoop that Japan (Korea S, Taiwan soon hk singapore) had found development mp0de;s for all Asian to rise. Rural Keynes could end village poverty & starvation; supercity win-win trades could celebrate Neumanns gift of 100 times more tech per decade (see macrae bio of von neumann)
Since 1960 the legacy of von neumann means ever decade multiplies 100 times more micro-technology- an unprecedented time for better or worse of all earthdwellers; 2025 timelined and mapped innovation exponentials - education, health, go green etc - (opportunities threats) to celebrating sustainability generation by 2025; dad parted from earth 2010; since then 2 journals by adam smith scholars out of Glasgow where engines began in 1760- Social Business; New Economics have invited academic worlds and young graduates to question where the human race is going - after 30 business trips to wealthier parts of Asia, through 2010s I have mainly sherpa's young journalist to Bangladesh - we are filing 50 years of cases on women empowerment at these web sites AbedMOOC.com FazleAbed.com EconomistPoor.com EconomistUN.com WorldRecordjobs.com Economistwomen.com Economistyouth.com EconomistDiary.com UNsummitfuture.com - in my view how a billion asian women linked together to end extreme poverty across continental asia is the greatest and happiest miracle anyone can take notes on - please note the rest of this column does not reflect my current maps of how or where the younger half of the world need to linkin to be the first sdg generation......its more like an old scrap book
how do humans design futures?-in the 2020s decade of the sdgs – this question has never had more urgency. to be or not to be/ – ref to lessons of deming or keynes, or glasgow university alumni smith and 200 years of hi-trust economics mapmaking later fazle abed - we now know how-a man made system is defined by one goal uniting generations- a system multiplies connected peoples work and demands either accelerating progress to its goal or collapsing - sir fazle abed died dec 2020 - so who are his most active scholars climate adaptability where cop26 november will be a great chance to renuite with 260 years of adam smith and james watts purposes t end poverty-specifically we interpret sdg 1 as meaning next girl or boy born has fair chance at free happy an productive life as we seek to make any community a child is born into a thriving space to grow up between discover of new worlds in 1500 and 1945 systems got worse and worse on the goal eg processes like slavery emerged- and ultimately the world was designed around a handful of big empires and often only the most powerful men in those empires. 4 amazing human-tech systems were invented to start massive use by 1960 borlaug agriculture and related solutions every poorest village (2/3people still had no access to electricity) could action learn person to person- deming engineering whose goal was zero defects by helping workers humanize machines- this could even allowed thousands of small suppliers to be best at one part in machines assembled from all those parts) – although americans invented these solution asia most needed them and joyfully became world class at them- up to 2 billion people were helped to end poverty through sharing this knowhow- unlike consuming up things actionable knowhow multiplies value in use when it links through every community that needs it the other two technologies space and media and satellite telecoms, and digital analytic power looked promising- by 1965 alumni of moore promised to multiply 100 fold efficiency of these core tech each decade to 2030- that would be a trillion tmes moore than was needed to land on the moon in 1960s. you might think this tech could improve race to end poverty- and initially it did but by 1990 it was designed around the long term goal of making 10 men richer than 40% poorest- these men also got involved in complex vested interests so that the vast majority of politicians in brussels and dc backed the big get bigger - often they used fake media to hide what they were doing to climate and other stuff that a world trebling in population size d\ - we the 3 generations children parents grandparents have until 2030 to design new system orbits gravitated around goal 1 and navigating the un's other 17 goals do you want to help/ 8 cities we spend most time helping students exchange sustainability solutions 2018-2019 BR0 Beijing Hangzhou:
Girls world maps begin at B01 good news reporting with fazleabed.com valuetrue.com and womenuni.com
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