265SmithWatt 75Neumann 55.YunusAbed , AI20s.com JHDHFL 20

KingCharlesLLM DeepLearning009 NormanMacrae.net EconomistDiary.com Abedmooc.com

mit, boston and norman macraefoundation of pro=youth economics

this thread tried to be a first guided tour of who to plan to entrepreneurially meet if you ever go to boston- broader resources are at http://bostonandyunus.ning.com and at life in day of a mit student competition entrepreneur -an attempt to anticipate how to diarise main links during a year in boston

* *

WSIE 2012- see attached for sort of entrepreneurial conference only boston can stage- according to previous head of mit lab- future's 5 greatest educational experiences and jobs hubs : media lab, ai lab, koch institute -nanotech, broad institute- genomics, brain and cognitive neuroscience building- nice student mag komaza on dev world


tell us your fav video at http://video.mit.edu/ chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk

LAB TOUR (rsvp chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk if we miss your fav) fablab http://fab.cba.mit.edu/  and how to make almost anything course ; media lab www.media.mit.edu..

ref year in life of MIT entrepreneur

sept012 note in the world col always worth a look as is d-lab

norman's family loves mit - here are some reasons why

http://entrepreneurship.mit.edu/impactrecent survey shows 25800 active companies founded by living MIT alumni generating 3.3 million jobs and $2 tn annual turnover - if they formed a nation this would be the world's 11th largest economy 


MIT is helping other regions in world to model how to be their place's number 1 entrepreneur and job creating institute http://executive.mit.edu/mysloan/groups/detail/?id=132767


video here of joi ito on MIT Media Lab http://bigthink.com/ideas/41508

.Interview list sloan and entrepreneur center Edward Roberts..

Legatum Iqbal Quadir .. next event Oct 27Lemelson: ..


Media Lab : Rosalind Picard ... Brown feelows including Nicholas Sullivan author of books on mobilising villages


Beyond MIT- boston leader Linda Thomson of MLF - next event  Boston code camp Boston epower house

Edx- Harvard - Bostonx  -spaces where partners in health shares medical knowhow

mit100k co-ceo to 2013 Alice Francis during 4 hour judging session of early phase of accelerator contest

youth's leading crowdfund search network linkedin by Rodolfo Gonzalez


Harvard's most connected students in open education including TT Nguyen


developing world entrepreneurs at sloan start here http://seid.scripts.mit.edu/w/ and all mit entrepreneurs start at http://entrepreneurship.mit.edu/


MIT opencourse ware http://ocw.mit.edu/index.htm external advisory board includes berners-lee, seely-brownCreative Commons'Cathy Casserly; typical courses -Macroeconomic crises  Sharmer extreme sustainability global e-lab; sustainability cases  early stage capital note the highlights for hi schools http://ocw.mit.edu/high-school/

check out courses have full video



kids questions http://www.w3.org/People/Berners-Lee/Kids.html


map of 2.5 million chidren connected by MIT laptop project http://one.laptop.org/map


http://globalchallenge.mit.edu/  ... Laura coordinates youth competitions at International Development Initiative including Yunus Prize which in 2011-2012 is about creating jobs and sustainability with waste http://web.mit.edu/idi/yunus_2012.htm


Details from Lemelson web on enetrpreneur competitions at MIT and elsewhere:

To inspire the inventors of tomorrow, and help them take their ideas from the “Classroom to the Real World,” the Foundation supports programs that nurture a creative, problem-solving spirit in young people. Through our U.S. programs, we seek to develop the abilities of people who create cutting-edge technologies that fuel our economy, and to raise awareness of invention’s pivotal role in advancing human progress.

Funded programs and projects in the U.S. include:

Read More: Lemelson-MIT Program
Read More: NCIIA
Read More: Lemelson Center at the Smithsonian


Legatum centre

In this TV Ontario interview, Iqbal Quadir discusses how people in low-income countries have used mobile technology to increase their productivity and capitalize on economic opportunity.View online at TV Ontario >>



developing world alumni and their advisers boards 3 2 1


conferences - eg 2011 2010 http://legatum.mit.edu/content-628 includes 18 videos eg Mackey


journal : inaugural free issue  includes:

Introduction to the Inaugural Issue

Philip Auerswald, Iqbal Quadir

Innovations: Technology, Governance, Globalization Winter 2006, Vol. 1, No. 1: 3–7.

First Page | PDF (78 KB) | PDF Plus (79 KB)


selection of other free downloads : mobile banking for poor 1  2 3  ; world class microcredit models 1 2  ;  health for poor 1 2  3 ;  other 1  2  3  4  5  6  7   8

Sloan - still trying to re-discover norman's old contacts there while researching bio of von neumann and other futures


lemelson entrepreneur prizes year round


media lab

Each Media Lab faculty member and senior research scientist leads a research group that includes a number of graduate student researchers and often involves undergraduate researchers.




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estelle, friends - in pretty well every way MIT keeps getting more and more exciting in everything I can see- some times I think its the only fun netgen institution on usa left


had strangly wonderful 90 minute meeting yesterday with person (Chairman and Founder of MIT Entrepreneurship Center) near top of admin of sloan MIT yesterday whose goal for decades has been to make MIT a top 10 job creating economy on the planet! ; at the centre of the entrepreneurial group he had influenced how open networks of mit had been designed across schools for 25 years; he also helps choose which big corporates MIT lets anywhere near it; his name is prominently on the walls of the 50 mn dollar new sloan business school building ( I felt way out of my league but truly honored to have such an interview) 


mit's spirit seems to be lets spend time innovating stuff that we are sure humans need; if we need help in commercialisation we bring in harvard who know anything we ask for help on will be big in their terms too; if you go inside media lab you find a living social network of 1000 most extraordinary innovators who certainly dont need to spend much time on facebook except when they know there is one missing talkent they need to hunt out; it seems what west coast messed up with network vision dad and I had in 1984, MIT keeps alive


as well as iqbal

media lab -very good new book http://www.amazon.com/Sorcerers-Their-Apprentices-Innovative-Techno...


open course ware http://ocw.mit.edu/index.htm keeps worldwide education revolutions alive


year round student entrepreneur prize competitions which bring various types of venture capitalists from very social to very extractive all very interesting to map


it seems that iqbal is in fortunate position to choose anyone he wants to work with (eg berners lee) by virtue of knowing to use 40 years of bangladesh micro up models and knowing all telecoms people in his role as joint innovator of village phone



I need to use conference to map who's doing what around him, and find some ways that I can become an MIT or iqbal insider as much as an outsider can be (or if I dont have the right trust profile, someone else who wants to do that thru 2010s)


estelle- tell me what sort of costs you need it you are coming over to MIT;


if I cant get journal of new economics going out of glasgow maybe I need it out of MIT though one problem there is iqbal already does an innovations journal- havent yet found way to get him to see economics needeest the bigget innovation of them all


I wish we could get a danone-person on a guided tour of MIT but assume that may be next year's challenge



news of this years yunus prize

Challenge to Alleviate Poverty – we’re focusing on Waste.  Here is a bit from the writeup, and it seems we are building quite a swell of interest on campus.  I’ve also attached the publicity we started with earlier this year.

Waste is annually produced in scales of tons on earth. In 2009, the US alone produced 161 million tons of waste (the weight of approximately 71,500 space shuttles). Reducing and reusing this waste would save resources that are otherwise lost, and leave less trash in the environment.  Waste and waste systems most profoundly affect the poorest populations. Solid waste is dumped near slums where trash-pickers live and work. Even as wastepickers play a significant role in managing a community’s waste, they are marginalized, exposed to toxic materials, and labeled as being “dirty.”

Furthermore, trash that is discarded into bodies of water poisons the water sources for the poor. Meanwhile, half of the world’s population (2.6 billion people) does not have clean sanitation facilities for human waste. In countries where waste management infrastructures do exist, only a fraction of the population gains the benefits, and incinerators pollute the air.  Fortunately, there is potential for waste to be recycled, reused, or better managed. With the right level of organization and flow, waste can even be processed to generate income for underprivileged communities. 

This year’s Yunus Challenge calls for innovative solutions to gaining value from waste, including both systems and technologies that seek solutions for improved solid waste managment, bio waste, electronic waster, waste water and improving upon the well being of wastepickers and their livelihoods.

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MIT Entrepreneurship Center
New Space, New Name! 
This Thanksgiving, we are grateful for the Trust Family Foundation's generous donation to MIT, part of which allowed for the complete renovation of our physical space, now located in E40-160.
To honor this donation, we are changing our name, effective today, to the Martin (1958) Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship, a name that honors MIT alumnus Martin Trust (SM '58).
With eight group meeting spaces, three phone booths, and plenty of IdeaPaint-coated space to work, countless generations of MIT students will benefit from the reinvigorated Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship.
"Now we have a new beginning in the Trust Center," said Professor Ed Roberts, the Trust Center's chair who founded our center in 1990. "It poses a new challenge: what do we do for encores? I believe the future holds the possibility of dramatic increases of what we have accomplished thus far."
Martin Trust (SM '58) founded Mast Industries, a contract manufacturer, importer, and distributor of clothing. Mast Industries merged with The Limited Stores (now Limited Brands) in 1978, and Trust served as a board member for Limited until 2003. He currently runs Brandot International, an investment firm which he founded in 2003.
We are closed on Thursday, November 24 and Friday, November 25 for the Thanksgiving holiday. We will see you next week with a cornucopia of course listings for IAP and Spring 2012!
All the best,
The Trust Center Team
For more news, be sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and at entrepreneurship.mit.edu
Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship
One Amherst Street, E40-160, Cambridge, MA 02142
Tel: +1-617-253-8653, Fax: +1-617-253-8633
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attached great summary of cases at mit media lab from frank moss book sorcerers and apprenticies


robots—robots that can learn from and live with people, serving as helpful companions to the sick and elderly.

Cynthia Breazeal, whose Personal Robots group is building the world’s first mobile, dexterous, and sociable

prosthetic feet that restore normal motion by replicating a biological limb.

Hugh Herr, head of the Biomechactronics group and a bilateral amputee, who walks effortlessly on robotic

device that transforms any surface—wall, tabletop or even your hand—into a touch-screen computer.

Pranav Mistry, a member of the Fluid Interfaces group, who is test-driving SixthSense, a compact wearable

Amy Farber, a social anthropologist chronically ill with a rare lung disease, who has joined computer scientist Ian Eslick

experience of patients to the attention of clinicians, turning the drug discovery process upside down.

of the New Media Medicine group to launch a medical social network that brings the vast

with autism function better in school and society, but also has surprising commercial applications with huge


Rosalind Picard, whose Affective Computing group creates face-reading technology that not only helps people


read this book to start celebrating optimistic productive futures that all will link in to,thanks to such new communal dynamics as these :

The Age of Agency:

priests” of society, such as doctors and bankers, empowering individuals with unprecedented control over their

health and finances.

How technology will eliminate the age-old divide between ordinary people and the “high

and every human being, just waiting to be released, and how these powers will transform the very identity of

individuals and society as a whole in the future.

I Am a Creator: Technologies that unleash the full powers of expression and creativity existing within each

backgrounds—from computer scientists, to musicians, to physicists, to designers, to neuroscientists and many

others—think about problems in wildly different ways, unencumbered by notions of what solutions “should”

look like.

Disappearing Disciplines: The Lab’s anti-disciplinary ethos, where people from widely different

anything, and then encourages them to build their most fanciful ideas and then see how people actually use


Hard Fun: The distinctive approach to playful invention, which teaches students how to build almost

connections that spark truly big ideas not only happen, but

Serendipity by Design: How the Media Lab fosters an environment where the unlikely and seemingly randomcan’t help but happen.


here are some great spaces to discuss business models - I think they are loosely or directly linked to MIT but sometimes I get a bit lost being kinked on in cyber - in some cases you will need to justify your interest before being "membered"




http://globalhealth.mit.edu/home/business-models-in-global-health/ discusses 7 health social enterprises





across the railway tracks from MIT, Berkmans dairy of first quarter events of 2012 looks cool

Upcoming Events and Digital Media
January 4, 2012

Remember to load images if you have trouble seeing parts of this email. Or click here to view the web version of this newsletter. Below you will find upcoming Berkman Center events, interesting digital media we have produced, and other events of note.

berkman luncheon series

Searching for Context: Modeling the Information-Seeking Process of ...

Tuesday, January 10, 12:30pm ET, Wasserstein Hall, Milstein East A, Harvard Law School Cambridge, MA. This event will be webcast live.


What is it like to be a college student in the digital age? In this talk, I present a working typology of the undergraduate information-seeking process, including students’ reliance on and use of Web sources. Since 2008, as part of our ongoing study at the University of Washington’s Project Information Literacy, we have surveyed more than 10,000 students at 40 colleges and universities (including undergraduates enrolled at Harvard College). We have investigated how college students find information and conduct research—their needs, strategies, and workarounds—for solving information problems that occur during course-related research and in their everyday lives. We have found the large majority of students we have studied across all types of higher-education institutions in the U.S. still attend college to learn, but many are lost in a thicket of information overload. They struggle with managing the IT devices that permeate their lives. Our findings indicate that nearly all students intentionally use a small compass for navigating the ever-widening and complex information landscape they inhabit. These and other findings of Project Information Literacy have profound implications for teaching, learning, work, and play in the 21st century. Alison Head is the lead researcher for the national study, Project Information Literacy. She is a Research Scientist in University of Washington's Information School and a Fellow at Harvard University's Berkman Center for Internet and Society and the Library Innovation Lab (2011-2012). RSVP Required. more information on our website>

berkman luncheon series

Will Free Benefit the Rich? How Free and Open Education Might Widen...

Tuesday, January 17, 12:30pm ET, Berkman Center for Internet & Society, 23 Everett St, Cambridge, MA. This event will be webcast live.


The explosion of open education content resources and freely available collaboration and media production platforms represents one of the most exciting emerging trends in education. These tools create unprecedented opportunities for teachers to design and personalize curriculum and to give students opportunities to collaborate, publish, and take responsibility for their own learning. Many education technology and open education advocates hope that the widespread availability of free resources and platforms will disproportionately benefit disadvantaged students, by making technology resources broadly available that were once only available to affluent students. It is possible, however, that affluent schools and students have a greater capacity to take up new innovations, even free ones, and so new tools and resources that appear in the ecology of education will widen rather than ameliorate digital divides. In this presentation, we will examine evidence for both the "tech as equalizer" and "tech as accelerator of digital divides" hypotheses, and we will examine technology innovations and interventions that specifically target learners with the most needs. A lively discussion will follow to consider how educators, technologists, and policymakers can address issues of educational digital inequalities in their work. An introduction to these issues can be found in this video op-ed. Justin Reich a doctoral student at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and a Fellow at the Berkman Center for the Internet and Society. RSVP Required. more information on our website>

berkman luncheon series

Hackademia: Leveraging the Conflict Between Expertise and Innovatio...

Tuesday, January 24, 12:30pm ET, Berkman Center for Internet & Society, 23 Everett St, Cambridge, MA. This event will be webcast live.


This talk describes two projects that tackle the same issue: how and why do nonexperts contribute to innovation? The conflict between expertise and innovation sits uneasily in academia, where the enterprise hinges on doling out official credentials. But a lack of expertise can in fact drive people to create the kind of disruptive technologies that really are game-changers. In this presentation Beth Kolko present findings from a book-in-progress based on interviews with hackers and makers tentatively titled Why Rulebreakers Will Rule the World. That book connects the hacking and making/DIY communities at the point of disruptive technologies, demonstrating how the lack of institutional affiliation and formal credentials within each community opens up the space for creative problem-solving approaches. Dr. Beth Kolko is an Associate Professor in the Department of Technical Communication at the University of Washington. She was previously a professor of English at the University of Wyoming and the University of Texas at Arlington with a specialty in rhetoric. RSVP Required. more information on our website>

book launch

Too Big to Know

Tuesday, January 24, 6:00pm ET, Harvard Law School. This event is co-sponsored by the Harvard Law School Library and the Office of the Senior Associate Provost at Harvard University.


We used to know how to know. Get some experts, maybe a methodology, add some criteria and credentials, publish the results, and you get knowledge we can all rely on. But as knowledge is absorbed by our new digital medium, it's becoming clear that the fundamentals of knowledge are not properties of knowledge but of its old paper medium. Indeed, the basic strategies of knowledge that emerged in the West addressed a basic problem: skulls don't scale. But the Net does. Now networked knowledge is taking on the properties of its new medium: never being settled, including disagreement within itself, and becoming not a set of stopping points but a web of temptations. Networked knowledge, for all its strengths, has its own set of problems. But, in knowledge's new nature there is perhaps a hint about why the Net has such surprising transformative power. David Weinberger will discuss his new book,Too Big to Know. David writes about the effect of technology on ideas. He is the author of Small Pieces Loosely Joined and Everything Is Miscellaneous, and is the co-author of The Cluetrain Manifesto. RSVP Required. more information on our website>

book launch

Consent of the Networked: The Worldwide Struggle for Internet Freedom

Thursday, February 2, 6:00pm ET, MIT Media Lab. This event is co-sponsored by the Berkman Center for Internet & Society and the Center for Civic Media at MIT.


A global struggle for control of the Internet is now underway. At stake are no less than civil liberties, privacy and even the character of democracy in the 21st century. Many commentators have debated whether the Internet is ultimately a force for freedom of expression and political liberation, or for alienation, and repression. It is time to stop arguing over whether the Internet empowers individuals and societies, and address the more fundamental and urgent question of how technology should be structured and governed to support the rights and liberties of all the world’s Internet users. In her timely book, Rebecca MacKinnon warns that a convergence of unchecked government actions and unaccountable company practices is threatening the future of democracy and human rights around the world. Consent of the Networked is a call to action: Our freedom in the Internet age depends on whether we defend our rights on digital platforms and networks in the same way that people fight for their rights and accountable governance in physical communities and nations. It is time to stop thinking of ourselves as passive “users” of technology and instead act like citizens of the Internet – as netizens – and take ownership and responsibility for our digital future. Rebecca MacKinnon is a Bernard L. Schwartz Senior Fellow at the New America Foundation, where she conducts research, writing and advocacy on global Internet policy, free expression, and the impact of digital technologies on human rights. She is cofounder of Global Voices, an international citizen media network. She also serves on the Boards of Directors of the Committee to Protect Journalists and the Global Network Initiative. RSVP Required. more information on our website>


Radio Berkman 189: Peer Pressure


We’re so easily influenced by the habits and interests of our friends, you might think that social networks like Facebook would only magnify the power of peer pressure. But recent research from Harvard sociologists Kevin Lewis, Marco Gonzalez, and Jason Kaufman shows that people are more likely to stick with their own interests than we might think. While younger folks are likely to build friendships based on certain cultural tastes they’re not likely to warm to their friends tastes so easily. This is surprising, say the researchers, given previous data and assumptions about how tastes spread virally on the net. David Weinberger chatted with Kevin Lewis to get more details on this study. video/audio on our website>

Other Events of Note

Events that may be of interest to the Berkman community:

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See our events calendar if you're curious about future luncheons, discussions, lectures, and conferences not listed in this email. Our events are free and open to the public, unless otherwise noted.

The Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University was founded to explore cyberspace, share in its study, and help pioneer its development. For more information, visit http://cyber.law.harvard.edu.

Berkman Center for Internet & Society

Found  out about berners lee social business jan last nov too late - love to know if any action projects are going forward http://www.w3.org/2011/socialbusiness-jam/#topics

Discussion Topics

Thank you to all who provided their input and suggestions for topics for the Jam. The Jam topic selections are closed and the following topics have been chosen.  Check back here as the descriptions are refined.  You will also be able to find detailed information on each topic on the Jam site.

  • Identity Management For Social

    A well managed identity program can reap benefits when it comes time to integrate social       technologies across the firewall.  Risk can be reduced and effective sharing can be enabled.         Businesses want to avoid a growing trend in cyber attacks by hackers using social media as a        way to locate and gain access to business environments.   Let's discuss the best approaches        for companies to manage their employee's identity information as well as the possible risks        and/or legal issues involved.

  • Mobile And Social

    Employees bring their mobile devices into the work place and expect to use them for both personal and work purposes.  Mobile devices present special security and management challenges.  Mobile devices offer the tantalizing capability to reach employees and customers no matter where they are at a point in time.

  • Information Management

    Social technologies can connect a business user to hundreds or thousands of people on    a regular basis.  This creates the potential where the amount of data generated on a    consistent basis easily becomes more than a business user is able to process.  Applying    approaches and technologies to address the data torrent is essential for effective use    of social technologies in a business.

  • Business Process Meets Social

    Social technologies are having an impact in those businesses that choose to deploy them, today.     Adding a like button changes communications across the organization for both employees and managers.     Applying technology to business processes can have beneficial or negative consequences depending on a variety of variables.     Let's discuss the risk and rewards of these new social technologies on organizational roles and business processes.

  • Seamless Integration Of Social

    One reason mentioned for the failure of social business projects is that the social aspects were not integrated into the daily applications that employees used to accomplish  their jobs.  The way social technology is introduced into an organization, especially when there are long established, popular applications already in use, may be an important aspect to the success of a social project.

  • Metrics For Social Business

    Social technologies can provide concrete and measurable benefits in some cases.  In other cases the benefits can be less tangible.  Some types of social technology are easier to assess than others just because of their nature.  Either way, businesses need explainable and logical ways to justify their current, ongoing and future investments in social technologies.

Special Guests

The W3C is pleased to have the following special guests participating in the Jam.  As a registered participant in the Jam, you may log in during the posted times below and interact with a Special Guest.

*Note: All times listed in U.S. Eastern Time (ET)

  • Lee Aase Director, Mayo Clinic Center For Social Media
    Discussion Topic: Metrics For Social Business November 10, 10:00 am - 11:00 am ET (other time zones)

  • David Ascher Social & Communications, Mozilla
    Discussion Topic: Seamless Integration Of Social November 8, 4:00 - 5:00 pm ET (other time zones)

  • Yochai Benkler Professor for Entrepreneurial Legal         Studies at Harvard Law School Author of "The Wealth of Networks"         Co-director of Berkman Center for Internet and Society
    Discussion Topic: Business Process Meets Social November 10, 3:00 - 4:00 pm ET (other time zones)

  • Tim Berners-Lee Inventor of the Web W3C Director
    Discussion Topic: Mobile And Social November 8, 11:00 am -12:00 pm ET (other time zones)
    Discussion Topic: Identity Management For Social November 10, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm ET (other time zones)

  • Angel L. Diaz Vice President, Software Standards, IBM Software Group
    Discussion Topic: Metrics For Social Business November 9, 4:00 pm- 5:00 pm ET (other time zones)

  • Paige Finkelman General Manager, Enterprise 2.0 Conference UBM TechWeb
    Discussion Topic: Mobile And Social November 10, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET (other time zones)

  • Kevin Hauswirth Social Media Director, Office of the Mayor at City of Chicago
    Discussion Topic: Business Process Meets Social November 9, 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm ET (other time zones)

  • Alejandro Jaimes Manager of Social Media Engagement Group at Yahoo! Research
    Discussion Topic: Mobile and Social November 10, 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET (other time zones)

  • Alex "Sandy" Pentland Director of MIT Human Dynamics Lab and Media Lab Entrepreneurship Author of "Honest Signals", (Breakthrough Idea of the Yar at World Economic Forum) Winner of DARPA crowd-sourcing challenge
    Discussion Topic: Identity Management For Social, Information Management November 9, 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET (other time zones)

  • Evan Prodromou Founder of Federated Social Web Summit Founder of identi.ca CEO of Status.net Co-editor of OStatus specification
    Discussion Topic: Metrics For Social Business November 8, 10 am - 11 am ET (other time zones)

  • Steve Ressler Founder and President of GovLoop
        Discussion Topic: Business Process Meets Social November 9, 1:00pm - 2:00 pm ET     (other time zones)   

  • Doc Searls Well-Known Blogger Founder of "Vendor Relationship Management" Co-author of "Cluetrain Manifesto" Discussion Topic: Seamless Integration Of Social November 10, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET (other time zones)

  • Matt Tucker Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer, Jive Software
    Discussion Topic: Metrics For Social Business November 9, 10:00 am - 11:00 am ET (other time zones)


get involved

A comprehensive overview of the classes, research, student groups, support programs and living groups that contribute to the international development community at MIT


Classes touching on various aspects of international development are available through almost every academic department at MIT. Some classes give students the technical skills to get their hands dirty building or designing for the benefit of the world. Business, entrepreneurship, language and communication classes provide instruction of nontechnical skills. Regional and global context classes cover topics such as the culture, history, and current political situations of developing nations. Project classes incorporate the other three categories throughout the process of creating a product to aid the developing world. This page describes departments, labs and centers that are specifically focused on international development.

D-Lab is a program that fosters the development of appropriate technologies and sustainable solutions within the framework of international development. D-Lab’s mission is to improve the quality of life of low-income households through the creation and implementation of low cost technologies. D-Lab’s portfolio of technologies also serves as an educational vehicle that allows students to gain an optimistic and practical understanding of their roles in alleviating poverty.There are currently eleven different academic offerings that make up the suite of D-Lab classes, falling into the broad categories of Development, (Development), Design (Cycle Ventures, Design, Energy, Health, ICT, Developing World Prosthetics,   Mobility) and Dissemination (Dissemination, Development Ventures). All D-Lab courses are based on the same values and principles of providing experiential learning, using technology to address poverty, building the local creative capacity, promoting local innovation, valuing indigenous knowledge, fostering participatory development and co-creation, and building sustainable organizations and partnerships.

The MIT Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) is dedicated to balancing the built environment with the natural world. In their research, they seek to understand natural systems, to foster the intelligent use of resources and to design sustainable infrastructure systems. CEE provides leadership in the field by focusing on technological innovations, seeking advances in basic knowledge and taking a systems perspective. Efforts are concentrated on quantitative and analytical approaches, novel experiment-based modeling, and the development and/or use of appropriate tools and technology. Research and graduate education programs coalesce around three fields of inquiry: environmental science and engineering; mechanics, materials and structures; and transportation.

Department of Urban Studies and Planning: Minor in International De... The DUSP undergraduate minor in international development increases the capability to understand, analyze and tackle today 's problems in emerging countries, including the challenges of dealing with increasing urbanization, the need for industrial growth and jobs for increasing number of educated youth, the crisis of resources and infrastructure, the fragmentation of state capacity and rising violence, the ethical and moral issues raised by development planning, the role of appropriate technology and research, and the challenge of dealing with popular discontent. Through research and teaching, we combine a robust introduction to the theoretical framework of the field, with a strong analytical orientation and problem-solving method tested through field engagement. Taught by faculty from one of the world s premier academic centers of expertise in planning, at the Department of Urban Studies and Planning, and with more than a quarter century of experience in dealing with problems of international development, the minor is a new offering to MIT students that emphasizes problem-solving, multidisciplinarity and an understanding of institutions at various levels from the local to the global as the key to solving today s problems in emerging countries.

The International Development Group (IDG) is the longest standing and largest program within a U.S. planning school devoted to graduate study and research in subjects specific to the developing world. Approximately one-quarter of the Master's students entering DUSP each year choose the IDG specialization, as do approximately one-third of the entering PhD students. This program area attracts internationally focused students with a wide range of backgrounds, work experiences, and interests. With six sub-specializations, it provides students with an integrated view of the institutional, economic,physical and socio-political factors necessary for effective planning in today's world..

As part of the School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (SHASS), Anthropology's undergraduate offerings span a broad range of time and space: from ancient societies known from history and pre-history, to tribal and peasant communities, to contemporary industrial and scientific cultures. The program offers a number of courses related to International Development, including 21A.345 The Politics of International Development, 21A.225J Violence, Human Rights, and Justice., and 21A.800J Environmental Conflict and Social Change (G).

Sloan Global Entrepreneurship Lab (G-Lab) is the flagship international internship course offered at the MIT Sloan School of Management. G-Lab is a mix of classroom learning matched with a global internship in an emerging market. From 2008 - 2011 G-lab has been focused on Global Health Delivery, addressing pressing challenges facing a carefully selected set of partner enterprises delivering health care in resource-limited settings in Sub-Saharan Africa and elsewhere.

The Public Service Center's Service Learning program provides an academic venue for pursuing an interest in international development. Service learning grants are available to students and faculty for class projects that serve communities. Faculty grants have enabled classes in the school of Architecture to travel to Cambodia, Hawaii, and El Salvador to continue course projects. Student grants enable project continuation following the end of the semester. Students can also participate in the Service UROP program, which empowers them to extend their research into fieldwork that yields community benefits.


Research at MIT aims to develop innovative solutions to the world’s most daunting challenges. From addressing the energy needs of tomorrow to improving cancer therapies, MIT’s research efforts are enhanced through creative collaborations with leading research institutes and consortia around the world. Click here for a comprehensive overview of the many research initives at MIT. The list below is illustrative of the most innovative work on campus focusing on International Development.

The Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) is a center within the Department of Economics that aims to reduce poverty by ensuring that policy is based on scientific evidence. J-PAL serves as a hub for a network of more than 40 affiliated professors at universities around the world, who are united by their use of randomized evaluations to answer questions critical to poverty alleviation. J-PAL professors and staff work with NGOs, international organizations, and others to evaluate programs aimed at reducing poverty, and identify the most effective ways to achieve policy goals based on this rigorous body of research. These policy lessons are disseminated among policymakers to promote the scale-up of highly effective policies and programs in areas as diverse as boosting girls' attendance at primary schools, improving the output of farmers in sub-Saharan Africa, racial bias in employment in the US, and the role of women political leaders in India.

The International Development Design Summit (IDDS) is a month-long, intense design experience that brings together students, faculty, and community partners from all over the world to create technologies and ventures to improve the lives of people in the developing world. IDDS 2011 will take place at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in Ghana, enabling participants to travel more easily to rural villages where they can collaborate with potential end users throughout the entire design process. IDDS is a joint effort, organized by MIT, Olin College, Cooper Perkins, KNUST and Colorado State University.

The Innovations in International Health (IIH) program aims to accelerate the devel­opment of global health technologies that address the needs of patients and physicians in resource-poor settings. Working with a network of researchers, doctors, inventors, and clinicians, IIH enhances the sustainability of its technologies by bridging the gap between the invention, funding, and clinical trial stages of medical products aimed at patients in the developing world. Our members’ presence in more than 15 countries, including 3 H-Lab medical innovation sites, gives our group effective global reach in medical technology transfer, scaling up, and saving lives. In addition, our D-Lab Health academic offering teaches students the current state of global health and how to structure innovative responses to healthcare challenges. Students will employ hands-on medical-technology-learning modules, experience on-site visits in Nicaragua, and participate in real-world design collaboration with international partners.

The Mobility Lab (M-Lab) is an organization that is focused on improving the design and distribution of mobility aids worldwide while training MIT students as global citizens. M-Lab fosters inter national partnerships and cultural exchange by sponsoring student travel to community partner organizations to develop, test, and implement new designs, as well as bring mobility experts from around the world to interact with the MIT community. As an academic entity, M-Lab provides a physical space to develop projects as well as a group through which students can pursue theses/independent research projects, publish papers, and attend conferences.

Safe Water for 1 Billion People is the MIT Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) web portal on water and sanitation projects in developing countries. Over the past eleven years, students, staff, and faculty have been working on issues of water and sanitation in developing countries, primarily through the Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) Degree program offered in the CEE Department. This website contains information and links to student theses, project reports, photos, WHO Household Treatment Network, and other useful resources focused on the development and improvement of water and sanitation in many countries.

Special Interest Group in Urban Settlement (SIGUS) explores methods for promoting affordable and equitable housing for low-income communities, with focus in developing countries. It champions participatory technique through short workshops and courses, and undertakes research on innovative approaches in support of low-income housing. It concentrates on the new professionalism emerging for designers, architects, and planners demanding a shift in practice and teaching. SIGUS has over 15 years of experience in Action-Learning workshops. It has lead programs in Peru, Ecuador, Poland, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, India, Bhutan, Syria, and Ethiopia; hosted by govern­ments, development agencies, or NGOs, with local universities as counterparts. Current focus on incremental housing as a proactive strategy for urban areas, and effective rebuilding in Haiti.

The Special Program for Urban and Regional Studies (SPURS) is a one-year, non-degree program designed for mid-career professionals from newly industrializing countries. Founded in 1967 in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning (DUSP), SPURS has a long-standing commitment to bringing outstanding development planners to MIT to reflect on their professional practice. The program is designed to nurture individuals, often at turning points in their professional careers, to retool and reflect on their policy-making and planning skills. SPURS Fellows return to their countries with a better understanding of the complex relationships between local, regional, and international issues. SPURS has hosted over 550 women and men from more than 90 countries in Latin America, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Eastern and Central Europe. SPURS enables the MIT community to build professional and personal connections with these advanced professionals from the developing world. In 2010-2011, there are 16 SPURS Fellows, ranging from politicians to planners and engineers.

The Technology and Development Program (TDP) provides developing nations greater access to scientific and technological capabilities through collaborative research and educational programs. TDP’s most recent collaborative program is the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology in Abu Dhabi. The need for regional and global energy sustainability is the driving force behind the establishment of The Masdar Institute of Science and Technology. This graduate level university is dedicated to the de­velopment of new and viable energy technologies and policies. The Masdar Institute, established with the assistance of TDP, is working with the Government of Abu Dhabi and industry to offer a landmark opportunity for world-class graduate level research and education.

If you would like your class, department, lab or center to be descibed here, please email idi@mit.edu with a short write up and a link to your website.

Identifying the Gaps in the System: Learning from Joi Ito, MIT Medi...

May 22nd, 2012 by Posted in Boston, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Joi, MIT Media

Last night, Tim Rowe, founder and CEO of the Cambridge Innovation Center, interviewed MIT Media Lab Director, Joi Ito, in a fireside chat hosted by the MIT Enterprise Forum at MIT’s Stata Center. Ito shared his story, from childhood in Detroit through helping start Japan’s first ISP in his “toilet” to his point of view on learning versus education, and the role a place like the Media Lab can play in facilitating discovery and driving innovation.

We’re lucky to have Joi Ito now call Boston home; he’s one of the technology world’s true rock stars. His story is one full of daring, vision—and self-effacing humor—that more of our neighbors should hear. A few takeaways that lingered with me:

“What was the bug became the feature.”

Ito attended elementary and early junior high in Detroit, where he was the only Japanese student in a place and time where, to put it mildly, it wasn’t popular to be Japanese. He felt trapped by the structure and routine of his traditional school. Ito wound up graduating from an international school in Japan where he found that his ability to successfully navigate between American and Japanese culture became a noticeable strength. Where he’d been at the bottom in his junior high school, he found himself at the top of his high school class. The bug had become the feature.

Paying attention to what happens on the periphery, outside of conventional bounds became the lens through which he saw the world. He described the work of the MIT Media Lab as being distinctive and ingenious because of the undirected research that happens there. ‘Peripheral’ ideas have the time to develop and evolve. Captains of industry are not invited to pursue narrowly scoped, incremental innovation through projects like “developing the new sharpest razor blade” but are encouraged to sponsor the lab and to encounter serendipitous learning via the 300 people making new connections across disciplines who work there.

So many of us in the startup community wound up here because, like Joi Ito, we believe continuous learning can lead to major breakthroughs—new products, services, and solutions that can change the world.

Boston’s entrepreneurial eco-system is shifting into high gear right now. New solutions to how we share news, gather and meet, continue learning, get feedback on what we’re doing, and find the resources we need are springing up every month. What are the things on the periphery in Boston’s entrepreneurial eco-system right now that are exciting you? What nascent ideas need more fans? What gaps in the system need more attention? Where are the places you look for serendipity?

The MIT Enterprise Forum is just one of a number of organizations at MIT devoted to entrepreneurship and the growth of new business ventures.

US Chapters

International Chapters

ARIZONA     MIT Enterprise Forum of Phoenix Chair: Armando Viteri '81 COLOMBIA MIT Enterprise Forum of Colombia Chair: Jorge Barrera '99
CALIFORNIA MIT Enterprise Forum of the Bay Area Chair: Ron Chavez INDIA MIT Enterprise Forum of Bangalore Chair: Vijay Chandru PhD '82
Caltech/MIT Enterprise Forum Chair: Kevin Debre ISRAEL MIT Enterprise Forum of Israel Chair: Dr. A.I. (Ed) Mlavsky
MIT Enterprise Forum of the Central Coast Chair: Peter Hartman JAPAN MIT Enterprise Forum of Japan Chair: Hiroaki Suzuki SM '79
MIT Enterprise Forum of San Diego Chair: Pamela Stambaugh LEBANON MIT Enterprise Forum of the Pan-Arab Region (Lebanon) Chair: Hala Fadel MBA '01
CONNECTICUT MIT Enterprise Forum of Connecticut Co-Chair: Marina Cunningham SM '88 Co-Chair: Thomas Flynn PAKISTAN MIT Enterprise Forum of Pakistan Co-Chair: Farrokh Captain '66, SM '67, MO '68 Co-Chair: Zahir Ali Syed SM '78
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA MIT Enterprise Forum of Washington-Baltimore Chair: Ira Gershkoff '73, SM '74 RUSSIA MIT Enterprise Forum of Russia Chair: Alexander Okunev SM '04
FLORIDA MIT Enterprise Forum of South Florida Chair: Howard Gitten SINGAPORE MIT Enterprise Forum of Singapore Chair: Linus Koh SM '83
GEORGIA MIT Enterprise Forum of Atlanta Chair: Virginia Persons SPAIN MIT Enterprise Forum of Spain Chair: Pablo Fernandez de la Torre SM ’99
ILLINOIS MIT Enterprise Forum of Chicago Chair: Nancy Munro TURKEY MIT Enterprise Forum of Turkey Chair: Gulsun Bozkurt MBA '00
MASSACHUSETTS MIT Enterprise Forum of Cambridge Chair: Jon Gworek UNITED KINGDOM MIT Enterprise Forum of the United Kingdom Co-Chair: George Berkowski '00 Co-Chair: Enrico Sanna MBA '01
MICHIGAN MIT Enterprise Forum of the Great Lakes Chair: Dennis Nash '82
NEW YORK MIT Enterprise Forum of New York City Chair: James Klaiber '86
PENNSYLVANIA MIT Enterprise Forum of Pittsburgh Chair: Craig Waller
TEXAS MIT Enterprise Forum of Dallas-Fort Worth Chair: Karl Fultz
MIT Enterprise Forum of Texas Chair: David Hansen
WASHINGTON MIT Enterprise Forum of the Northwest Chair: Gaylee Duncan

MIT Entrepreneurship Center

The MIT Entrepreneurship Centerteam provides content, context, and contacts that enable entrepreneurs to design and launch successful new ventures based on innovative technologies. They help MIT students, alumni, and colleagues access an array of educational programs, networking opportunities, technologies, and resources, both at MIT and around the world. Members of the MIT E-Center community form a global network to actively advise and assist each other for mutual benefit, enabling them to set and meet their highest expectations.

Deshpande Center for Technological Innovation

The Deshpande Centerwas established at the MIT School of Engineering in 2002 to increase the impact of MIT technologies in the marketplace, and has funded more than 80 projects with over $10M in grants. Twenty projects have spun out of the center into commercial ventures, having collectively raised over $180M in outside financing. Thirteen venture capital firms have invested in these ventures. The Deshpande Center supports a wide range of emerging technologies including biotechnology, biomedical devices, information technology, new materials, tiny tech, and energy innovations.

MIT Venture Mentoring Service

The MIT Venturing Mentoring Service(VMS) supports innovation and entrepreneurial activity throughout the MIT community by matching prospective entrepreneurs with skilled volunteer mentors. VMS uses a team mentoring approach with groups of 3 to 4 mentors sitting with a fledgling entrepreneur(s) in sessions that provide practical, day-to-day professional advice and coaching. VMS mentors are selected for their experience in areas relevant to the needs of new entrepreneurs and for their enthusiasm for the program. VMS assistance is given across a broad range of business activity, including product development, marketing, intellectual property law, finance, human resources, and founders issues. VMS services are offered without charge to MIT students, alumni, faculty and staff in the Boston area.

MIT Legatum Center for Developmental Entrepreneurship

The Legatum Center for Development and Entrepreneurshipwas founded on the belief that economic progress and good governance in low-income countries emerge from entrepreneurship and innovations that empower ordinary citizens. The Center administers programs and convenes events that promote and shape discourse on bottom-up development and runs a highly competitive fellowship program for MIT graduate students who intend to launch enterprises in low-income countries. In addition, the Center convenes an annual conference, hosts lectures, and supports teams of enterprising men and women at MIT who are passionate about starting viable businesses in the developing world.

Lemelson-MIT Program

Dedicated to honoring the acclaimed and unsung heroes who improve lives through invention, the Lemelson-MIT Programencourages tomorrow's inventors through outreach programs. The cornerstone of the program is the $500,000 Lemelson-MIT Prize, the world's largest single cash prize for invention.

MIT Technology Licensing Office

The Technology Licensing Office(TLO) manages the patenting, licensing, trademarking and copyrighting of intellectual property developed at MIT, Lincoln Laboratory and the Whitehead Institute and serves as an educational resource on intellectual property and licensing matters for the MIT community.

Industrial Liaison Program

The Office of Corporate Relations' Industrial Liaison Program (ILP) promotes MIT/Industry collaboration, encouraging the flow of knowledge and resources between the Institute and innovation-driven companies for their mutual benefit. The exchange of ideas and capabilities resulting from ILP-facilitated interactions often speed the incorporation of new technologies into products and services - helping MIT research make its way to the marketplace and out to the global community.

legatum conference 2011


Alexandra Graham

Co-Founder & Vice President, Lagray View Bio>> Watch Video>> gola africa self-sufficient in manufacturing basis pharmaceuticals

Javier Lozano Legatum Fellow View Bio>> Watch Video>> a frnachise for reducing obesity
Pradeep Jaisingh Founder, Managing Director & CEO, International Oncology View Bio>> Watch Video>>
Ola Orekunrin

Managing Director, Flying Doctors Nigeria Ltd View Bio>> Watch Video>>

Alberto Osio Co-founder & CEO, Yolia Health View Bio>> Watch Video>>  better eyecare




Alph Bingham

Founder, Board Member, InnoCentive, Inc. View Bio>> Watch Video>>

Kenfield Griffith

Legatum Alumni View Bio>> Watch Video>>

Akash Bhatia

Legatum Alumni View Bio>> Watch Video>> aims to make money with india's first ticket=shows company KyaZoonga so that he can later become a social investor in end waste businesses

Zafar Khan

CEO, Sofizar View Bio>> Watch Video>> serial entrepreneur out of pakistan who also runs his own 50 acre green farm


Austin Okere

Founder and CEO, Computer Warehouse Group View Bio>> Watch Video>> aiming to create africa's ibm out of nigeria


atasha Matic

Senior Strategy Advisor, King Khalid Foundation View Bio>> Watch Video>>


Farrah Tazyeen Legatum Fellow View Bio>> Watch Video>>


Patrick Awuah Founder and President, Ashesi University View Bio>> Watch Video>> winner of best entrepreneur in tertiary education for creating new university in ghana - co-investors include mastercard foundation

Ashesi University | The MasterCard Foundation

Ashesi University College is a private, non-profit liberal arts college founded in Ghana in 2002 by Patrick Awuah, an innovative leader in African higher education. ... Its mission is to train a new generation of ethical and entrepreneurial leaders in ... The curriculum is based on best practices from top global universities yet is ... 
Alex Cheatle Founder & CEO, Ten Group View Bio>> Watch Video>> devised a business serving nees of thousands of headmaster in eg uk - the process of forming such a concierege club forms a replicable platform for more concierge apps
Ashish Rajpal

Founder and CEO, iDiscoveri View Bio>> Watch Video>>


Eric Kacou

Co-founder, ESPartners View Bio>> Watch Video>>

Dennis Szeszko

Legatum Fellow View Bio>> Watch Video>>


Kazi Anis Ahmed

Co-founder and President, Teatulia View Bio>> Watch Video>>

Marta Echavarria

Project Director & Founder, EcoDecision View Bio>> Watch Video>>

Ryaz Shamji

FManaging Director, Golden Rose Agro-Farms Ltd View Bio>> Watch Video>> extraordinay job creating entrepreneur oit of ethiopia with rose farming

Dr. Rosalia Arteaga

Former President and Vice President of the Republic of Ecuador View Bio>>

Emeka Okafor

Curator, Maker Faire Africa View Bio>> extraordinarily connected eentrepreneur - connector of ted in tanzania; founder www.makerfaire.com www.makerfaireafrica.com celbrates contributions of artisans through value chains


Ankit Jain Legatum Fellow View Bio>>


Claude Grunitzky Co-founder & Chairman, TRUE

View Bio>>

Constant Nemale

President & Founder, Africa 24 View Bio>> founder of the extraordinary www.africa24tv.com  - a model for world service broadcasting that serves a continent of people's needs

Matthew Bishop

US Business Editor & New York Bureau Chief, The Economist View Bio>>

Esko Aho

Executive Vice President, Corporate Relations and Responsibility, Nokia View Bio>> clear that we have hardly begun to make most serious uses of mobile

John Chisholm

CEO, John Chisholm Ventures

View Bio>>


Michael Cusumano

Distinguished Professor of Management, MIT Sloan School of Management View Bio>>

Dan Isenberg

Professor of Management, Babson Global

View Bio>>



video of senseable cities http://centennial.rockefellerfoundation.org/media/video/innovation-... by carlo ratti director mit of senseable city lab

Reply to Discussion




2025REPORT-ER: Entrepreneurial Revolution est 1976; Neumann Intelligence Unit at The Economist since 1951. Norman Macrae's & friends 75 year mediation of engineers of computing & autonomous machines  has reached overtime: Big Brother vs Little Sister !?

Overtime help ed weekly quizzes on Gemini of Musk & Top 10 AI brains until us election nov 2028


unaiwho.docx version 6/6/22 hunt for 100 helping guterres most with UN2.0

RSVP chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk




1 Jensen Huang 2 Demis Hassabis 3 Dei-Fei Li 4 King Charles

5 Bezos Earth (10 bn) 6 Bloomberg JohnsHopkins  cbestAI.docx 7 Banga

8 Maurice Chang 9 Mr & Mrs Jerry Yang 10 Mr & Mrs Joseph Tsai 11 Musk

12 Fazle Abed 13 Ms & Mr Steve Jobs 14 Melinda Gates 15 BJ King 16 Benioff

17 Naomi Osaka 18 Jap Emperor Family 19 Akio Morita 20 Mayor Koike

The Economist 1982 why not Silicon AI Valley Everywhere 21 Founder Sequoia 22 Mr/Mrs Anne Doerr 23 Condi Rice

23 MS & Mr Filo 24 Horvitz 25 Michael Littman NSF 26 Romano Prodi 27 Andrew Ng 29 Lila Ibrahim 28 Daphne Koller

30 Mayo Son 31 Li Ka Shing 32 Lee Kuan Yew 33 Lisa Su  34 ARM 36 Priscilla Chan

38 Agnelli Family 35 Ms Tan & Mr Joe White

37 Yann Lecun 39 Dutch Royal family 40 Romano Prodi

41 Kramer  42 Tirole  43 Rachel Glennerster 44 Tata 45 Manmohan Singh 46 Nilekani 47 James Grant 48 JimKim, 49 Guterres

50 attenborough 51 Gandhi 52 Freud 53 St Theresa 54 Montessori  55 Sunita Gandhu,56 paulo freire 57 Marshall Mcluhan58 Andrew Sreer 59 Lauren Sanchez,  60 David Zapolski

61 Harris 62 Chips Act Raimundo 63 oiv Newsom. 64 Arati Prab hakarm,65 Jennifer Doudna CrispR, 66 Oren Etsioni,67 Robert Reisch,68 Jim Srreyer  69 Sheika Moza


Since gaining my MA statistics Cambridge DAMTP 1973 (Corpus Christi College) my special sibject has been community building networks- these are the 6 most exciting collaboration opportunities my life has been privileged to map - the first two evolved as grassroots person to person networks before 1996 in tropical Asian places where village women had no access to electricity grids nor phones- then came mobile and solar entrepreneurial revolutions!! 

COLLAB platforms of livesmatter communities to mediate public and private -poorest village mothers empowering end of poverty    5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5  5.6

4 livelihood edu for all 

4.1  4.2  4.3  4.4  4.5 4.6

3 last mile health services  3.1 3,2  3.3  3.4   3.5   3.6

last mile nutrition  2.1   2.2   2.3   2.4  2.5  2,6

banking for all workers  1.1  1.2  1.3   1.4   1.5   1.6

NEWS FROM LIBRARY NORMAN MACRAE -latest publication 2021 translation into japanese biography of von neumann:

Below: neat German catalogue (about half of dad's signed works) but expensive  -interesting to see how Germans selected the parts  they like over time: eg omitted 1962 Consider Japan The Economist 

feel free to ask if free versions are available 

The coming entrepreneurial revolution : a survey Macrae, Norman - In: The economist 261 (1976), pp. 41-65 cited 105 

Macrae, Norman - In: IPA review / Institute of PublicAffairs 25 (1971) 3, pp. 67-72  
 Macrae, Norman - The Economist 257 (1975), pp. 1-44 
6 The future of international business Macrae, Norman - In: Transnational corporations and world order : readings …, (pp. 373-385). 1979 >
Future U.S. growth and leadership assessed from abroad Macrae, Norman - In: Prospects for growth : changing expectations for the future, (pp. 127-140). 1977 Check Google Scholar | 
9Entrepreneurial Revolution - next capitalism: in hi-tech left=right=center; The Economist 1976
Macrae, Norman -In: European community (1978), pp. 3-6
  Macrae, Norman - In: Kapitalismus heute, (pp. 191-204). 1974

. we scots are less than 4/1000 of the worlds and 3/4 are Diaspora - immigrants in others countries. Since 2008 I have been celebrating Bangladesh Women Empowerment solutions wth NY graduates. Now I want to host love each others events in new york starting this week with hong kong-contact me if we can celebrate anoither countries winm-wins with new yorkers



TWO Macroeconomies FROM SIXTH OF PEOPLE WHO ARE WHITE & war-prone




From 60%+ people =Asian Supercity (60TH YEAR OF ECONOMIST REPORTING - SEE CONSIDER JAPAN1962)

Far South - eg African, Latin Am, Australasia

Earth's other economies : Arctic, Antarctic, Dessert, Rainforest


In addition to how the 5 primary sdgs1-5 are gravitated we see 6 transformation factors as most critical to sustainability of 2020-2025-2030

Xfactors to 2030 Xclimate XAI Xinfra Xyouth Wwomen Xpoor chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk (scot currently  in washington DC)- in 1984 i co-authored 2025 report with dad norman.

Asia Rising Surveys

Entrepreneurial Revolution -would endgame of one 40-year generations of applying Industrial Revolution 3,4 lead to sustainability of extinction

1972's Next 40 Years ;1976's Coming Entrepreneurial Revolution; 12 week leaders debate 1982's We're All Intrapreneurial Now

The Economist had been founded   in 1843" marking one of 6 exponential timeframes "Future Histores"


we offer worldwide mapping view points from

1 2 now to 2025-30

and these viewpoints:

40 years ago -early 1980s when we first framed 2025 report;

from 1960s when 100 times more tech per decade was due to compound industrial revolutions 3,4 

1945 birth of UN

1843 when the economist was founded

1760s - adam smithian 2 views : last of pre-engineering era; first 16 years of engineering ra including america's declaration of independence- in essence this meant that to 1914 continental scaling of engineeriing would be separate new world <.old world


IF we 8 billion earthlings of the 2020s are to celebrate collaboration escapes from extinction, the knowhow of the billion asian poorest women networks will be invaluable -

in mathematically connected ways so will the stories of diaspora scots and the greatest mathematicians ever home schooled -central european jewish teens who emigrated eg Neumann , Einstein ... to USA 2nd quarter of the 20th century; it is on such diversity that entrepreneurial revolution diaries have been shaped 

EconomistPOOR.com : Dad was born in the USSR in 1923 - his dad served in British Embassies. Dad's curiosity enjoyed the opposite of a standard examined education. From 11+ Norman observed results of domination of humans by mad white men - Stalin from being in British Embassy in Moscow to 1936; Hitler in Embassy of last Adriatic port used by Jews to escape Hitler. Then dad spent his last days as a teen in allied bomber command navigating airplanes stationed at modernday Myanmar. Surviving thanks to the Americas dad was in Keynes last class where he was taught that only a handful of system designers control what futures are possible. EconomistScotland.com AbedMooc.com

To help mediate such, question every world eventwith optimistic rationalism, my father's 2000 articles at The Economist interpret all sorts of future spins. After his 15th year he was permitted one signed survey a year. In the mid 1950s he had met John Von Neumann whom he become biographer to , and was the only journalist at Messina's's birth of EU. == If you only have time for one download this one page tour of COLLABorations composed by Fazle Abed and networked by billion poorest village women offers clues to sustainability from the ground up like no white ruler has ever felt or morally audited. by London Scot James Wilson. Could Queen Victoria change empire fro slavemaking to commonwealth? Some say Victoria liked the challenge James set her, others that she gave him a poison pill assignment. Thus James arrived in Calcutta 1860 with the Queens permission to charter a bank by and for Indian people. Within 9 months he died of diarrhea. 75 years later Calcutta was where the Young Fazle Abed grew up - his family accounted for some of the biggest traders. Only to be partitioned back at age 11 to his family's home region in the far north east of what had been British Raj India but was now to be ruled by Pakistan for 25 years. Age 18 Abed made the trek to Glasgow University to study naval engineering.

new york

1943 marked centenary autobio of The Economist and my teenage dad Norman prepping to be navigator allied bomber command Burma Campaign -thanks to US dad survived, finished in last class of Keynes. before starting 5 decades at The Economist; after 15 years he was allowed to sign one survey a year starting in 1962 with the scoop that Japan (Korea S, Taiwan soon hk singapore) had found development mp0de;s for all Asian to rise. Rural Keynes could end village poverty & starvation; supercity win-win trades could celebrate Neumanns gift of 100 times more tech per decade (see macrae bio of von neumann)

Since 1960 the legacy of von neumann means ever decade multiplies 100 times more micro-technology- an unprecedented time for better or worse of all earthdwellers; 2025 timelined and mapped innovation exponentials - education, health, go green etc - (opportunities threats) to celebrating sustainability generation by 2025; dad parted from earth 2010; since then 2 journals by adam smith scholars out of Glasgow where engines began in 1760- Social Business; New Economics have invited academic worlds and young graduates to question where the human race is going - after 30 business trips to wealthier parts of Asia, through 2010s I have mainly sherpa's young journalist to Bangladesh - we are filing 50 years of cases on women empowerment at these web sites AbedMOOC.com FazleAbed.com EconomistPoor.com EconomistUN.com WorldRecordjobs.com Economistwomen.com Economistyouth.com EconomistDiary.com UNsummitfuture.com - in my view how a billion asian women linked together to end extreme poverty across continental asia is the greatest and happiest miracle anyone can take notes on - please note the rest of this column does not reflect my current maps of how or where the younger half of the world need to linkin to be the first sdg generation......its more like an old scrap book

 how do humans design futures?-in the 2020s decade of the sdgs – this question has never had more urgency. to be or not to be/ – ref to lessons of deming or keynes, or glasgow university alumni smith and 200 years of hi-trust economics mapmaking later fazle abed - we now know how-a man made system is defined by one goal uniting generations- a system multiplies connected peoples work and demands either accelerating progress to its goal or collapsing - sir fazle abed died dec 2020 - so who are his most active scholars climate adaptability where cop26 november will be a great chance to renuite with 260 years of adam smith and james watts purposes t end poverty-specifically we interpret sdg 1 as meaning next girl or boy born has fair chance at free happy an productive life as we seek to make any community a child is born into a thriving space to grow up between discover of new worlds in 1500 and 1945 systems got worse and worse on the goal eg processes like slavery emerged- and ultimately the world was designed around a handful of big empires and often only the most powerful men in those empires. 4 amazing human-tech systems were invented to start massive use by 1960 borlaug agriculture and related solutions every poorest village (2/3people still had no access to electricity) could action learn person to person- deming engineering whose goal was zero defects by helping workers humanize machines- this could even allowed thousands of small suppliers to be best at one part in machines assembled from all those parts) – although americans invented these solution asia most needed them and joyfully became world class at them- up to 2 billion people were helped to end poverty through sharing this knowhow- unlike consuming up things actionable knowhow multiplies value in use when it links through every community that needs it the other two technologies space and media and satellite telecoms, and digital analytic power looked promising- by 1965 alumni of moore promised to multiply 100 fold efficiency of these core tech each decade to 2030- that would be a trillion tmes moore than was needed to land on the moon in 1960s. you might think this tech could improve race to end poverty- and initially it did but by 1990 it was designed around the long term goal of making 10 men richer than 40% poorest- these men also got involved in complex vested interests so that the vast majority of politicians in brussels and dc backed the big get bigger - often they used fake media to hide what they were doing to climate and other stuff that a world trebling in population size d\ - we the 3 generations children parents grandparents have until 2030 to design new system orbits gravitated around goal 1 and navigating the un's other 17 goals do you want to help/ 8 cities we spend most time helping students exchange sustainability solutions 2018-2019 BR0 Beijing Hangzhou: 

Girls world maps begin at B01 good news reporting with fazleabed.com  valuetrue.com and womenuni.com


online library of norman macrae--


MA1 AliBaba TaoBao

Ma 2 Ali Financial

Ma10.1 DT and ODPS

health catalogue; energy catalogue

Keynes: 2025now - jobs Creating Gen


how poorest women in world build

A01 BRAC health system,

A02 BRAC education system,

A03 BRAC banking system

K01 Twin Health System - Haiti& Boston

Past events EconomistDiary.com

include 15th annual spring collaboration cafe new york - 2022 was withsister city hong kong designers of metaverse for beeings.app

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